Developer Transformation Guide > Match Transformations in Identity Analysis > Identity Match Type Properties

Identity Match Type Properties

Use the Match Type view to specify the type of analysis that the Match transformation performs and to set the properties that define the analysis. You can specify single-source analysis or dual-source analysis. You can also specify a persistent data store for the identity index data.
The properties that you configure depend on the type of analysis that you select. Many of the options are common to all types of analysis.

Common Properties

The following properties are common to all types of identity analysis:
Identifies the population file that the transformation uses. The population file contains the key-building algorithms that generate the index keys.
Key Level
Determines the number of keys that the identity algorithms generate. The default setting is Standard. The Limited setting results in a lower number of keys, higher accuracy, and longer processing time. The Extended setting results in a higher number of keys, lower accuracy, and shorter processing time.
Key Type
Describes the type of information that the key field contains. Identity analysis can generate keys for person names, organizations, and addresses. Select the key type that best describes the column that you specify on Key Field property.
Search Level
Indicates the balance of search depth and search speed that the transformation applies to the match analysis. The search depth corelates inversely to the number of matches returned. For example, the Exhaustive option returns fewer matches.
Key Field
Specifies the column that the Match transformation uses to generate the index key data. Verify that the column that you select contains the type of information that you specified on the Key Type property.
Index Directory
Identifies the directory to which the Data Integration Service writes index key data for the current transformation. By default, the property is blank. If you do not specify an index directory, the Data Integration Service uses the location that you set on the Content Management Service.
You can enter a path to the directory, or you can use a parameter to identify the directory. Specify a local path on the Data Integration Service machine. The Data Integration Service must be able to write to the directory.
Cache Directory
Identifies the directory to which the Data Integration Service writes temporary data during the index creation stage of identity match analysis. Update the property to specify a location for data from the current transformation. By default, the property is blank. If you do not specify a cache directory, the Data Integration Service uses the location that you set on the Content Management Service.
You can enter a path to the directory, or you can use a parameter to identify the directory. Specify a local path on the Data Integration Service machine. The Data Integration Service must be able to write to the directory.
Cache Size
Determines the amount of system memory that the Data Integration Service assigns to identity index creation. The default value is 400,000 bytes.
If the index creation operation generates a greater amount of data, the Data Integration Service writes the excess data to the cache directory. If the operation requires more memory than the system memory and the file storage can provide, the mapping fails.
Note: If you enter a value of 65536 or higher, the transformation reads the value in bytes. If you enter a lower value, the transformation reads the value in megabytes.

Dual-Source Properties

Set the following property in addition to the common properties when you configure the transformation for dual-source analysis:
Master Data Set
Identifies the data source that contains the master data. Specify a master data set in dual-source analysis.

Persistent Data Storage Properties

Set the following properties in addition to the common properties when you configure the transformation to use the persistent index data store:
Persistence Method
Specifies whether the transformation updates the current index tables with index data from the mapping data source. Select one of the following options:
The default persistence method is Update the database with new IDs.
Matching Process
Determines whether the current transformation performs identity analysis.
The option that you select on the Persistence Method property determines the options on the Matching Process property.
DB Connection
Identifies the database that contains the index tables.
Persistent Store
Identifies the index tables within the database that you specify.

Index Directory and Cache Directory Properties

The index directory and the cache directory store the temporary data that the Match transformation generates during identity analysis.
The Data Integration Service writes data to the index directory if you do not configure the transformation to write the index data to database tables. The Data Integration Service writes data to the cache directory if the identity analysis requires a greater amount of memory than the cache size specifies. By default, the properties are blank on the Match Type view. If you do not specify an index directory or a cache directory, the Data Integration Service reads the directory paths from the Content Management Service.
When you specify an index directory or a cache directory on the Match Type view, enter a local path on the Data Integration Service machine. You can enter a fully qualified path or a relative path. If you enter a relative path, start the path with a period. The path is relative to the tomcat/bin directory on the Data Integration Service machine.
The following table shows a relative path on a cache directory or index directory property and identifies the fully qualified path that the property represents:
Relative Path
Fully Qualified Path
You can configure the index directory property and the cache directory property to identify the same directory. If you specify the same directory on each property, the Data Integration Service creates directories in the directory that you specify. The Data Integration Service creates an index directory for the index data and a cache directory for the cache data. If you specify different directories on each property, the Data Integration Service writes the data to the directories that you specify.
The Data Integration Service deletes the index files and the cache files from the directories after the mapping runs. The Data Integration Service does not delete the directories. The Data Integration Service can reuse the directories in other mappings if the Match transformation identifies the directories.

Content Management Service Properties

The Content Management Service specifies the following default locations for the index directory and the cache directory:
If you do not set the properties on the Match transformation, the Data Integration Service creates the default directories when you run an identity match mapping. The Data Integration Service creates the directories in the tomcat/bin directory.

Persistence Method Parameters

When you select a persistence data index in identity match analysis, you can use a parameter to identify the persistence method. Use a string to define the parameter value.
The following table lists the persistence methods that you can select on the Match Type tab and the parameter values that you can set for the methods:
Persistence Method
Update the database with new IDs
Do not update the database
Remove IDs from the database
Update the current IDs in the database
The parameter values are case-sensitive.