Components > Refining intelligent structure models > Working with repeating groups

Working with repeating groups

The output for groups is relational tables. When the intelligent structure contains repeating groups that relate to each other, you can configure the relational output to contain different tables for nested groups, as well as select a record ID.
When an intelligent structure contains nested repeating groups, you can perform the following actions on the Visual Model tab:
Promote to group.
To reduce the number of ports in the model, assign each nested repeating group to its own output group. When you promote a group that is nested within a repeating group, Intelligent Structure Discovery creates a record ID in the parent output group and a foreign key in the child output group. To promote a group to an independent output group, right-click the nested repeating node and select Promote to Group.
Note: For models that are based on a JSON, XML, or XSD file, Intelligent Structure Discovery assigns nested repeating groups to their own output groups when it creates the model.
Join to parent group.
Re-include a nested group in the parent group after you assigned it to its own output group. To re-include a group, right-click the nested repeating node and select Join to Parent Group.
Select as record ID.
Change the record ID. Select a node in the parent group and assign it as a record ID. Intelligent Structure Discovery automatically changes the foreign key in the nested group. To assign a node as record ID, right-click the node and select Select as Record ID.
Deselect as record ID.
Reinstate the initial record ID and foreign key for the repeating groups. To deselect a node as the record ID, right-click the node and select Deselect as Record ID.