Updating Control Center

With each Hotfix and Major P360 release, there is also an update for the Control Center.

For updating the P360 Control Center follow the steps below.

  1. Stop the Control Center service if still running.

  2. Uninstall the service by executing the uninstall.cmd (Windows) or uninstall.sh (Linux)

  3. Rename the root folder of your current running Control Center in something like clusterix_old.

  4. Extract the new Control Center package in the same directory as the old one.

  5. If you want to encrypt the passwords using standard implementation of encryption you should replace the Java JCE policy files in jre\lib\security folder. For more information please refer to chapter Encryption of secure information in the Server Installation manual.

  6. If you made any adjustments to configuration files like environment.conf or eclipse.ini don't forget to adjust these files also. Be careful if you just copy these files from your old installation, since there might have been made some changes. It is safer to copy only your settings instead the whole file.

  7. Inside the configuration folder re-configure the property files with your settings. It is recommended to not copy the old property files on the new ones since there might be changes or new properties. This also applies to property files such as wrapper.conf on which usually no modification is needed for an installation, but which might have changed from the standard product.

    • server.properties

    • plugin_customization.ini

    • network configurations

    • audit trail and hmm / hsx properties if needed.

  8. If you had changes in Repository please apply them also to the Repository provided by the update package. See Repository Migration for more information.

  9. Install the service again by exectuing install.cmd (Windows) or install.sh (Linux)

  10. Start the Control Center 360 service again