Installation, configuration and execution
Create the workflows in Media Manager
The corresponding workflows have to be firstly created in the Media Manager. You can import the sample workflows which are located in [plugins]\com.heiler.ppm.mediaasset.server.opasg\exampleworkflows.
To deal with the Media Manager workflow manager please reference the coresponding chapter of the user manaual of the Media Manager. In short, you must open the application "Workflow Manager - Informatica Media Manager", then select "Master data" -> " Management of WorkFlows", then click at the icon which allows you to import a workflow definition(e.g. the sample workflow "AssignDocs.xml").
Configurations at PIM Server
Currently the global configurations are defined in the com.heiler.ppm.configuration.server\conf\
Define individual assignment mode for master and supplier catalogs
Property |
Description |
MasterCatalog.assignmentMode |
Define the assignment mode for master catalog. Default value AUTO |
SupplierCatalog.assignmentMode |
Define the assignment mode for supplier catalog. Default value REFERENCE |
An assignment mode must be chosen for the master catalog and for (all) supplier catalogs. Possible values are(attention: written in capitals!):
NONSUPPORT: supports neither automatic assignment nor resolving the imported file path
AUTO: supports automatic assignment via the encoded file name (Auto Assignment)
REFERENCE: supports resolving the imported file path (Auto Path resolution by Reference)
If the assginment mode is supported(AUTO or REFERENCE), then please visit the corresponding sub chapter for detailed configurations of selected assignment mode: Configuration for Auto Assignment or Configuration for Auto path resolution by reference.
Common configuration for assignment
Following properties are available not only for auto assignment but also for auto path resolution.
Property |
Description |
Assignment.postImportMode.activated |
This property indicates whether the assignment should be also performed by post import mode. If you are sure that in your workflow the catalog data is always imported first, you can set this property as "false" to turn off the post import step which fetchs the association information form the Media Manager to perform the auto assignment or auto path resolution. Default value true |
Configuration for Auto Assignment
Configuration for Auto path resolution by reference
Completed examples for configuration
How to perform the assignment
The following table provides an overview to perform the auto assignment by different modes which are officially supported in PIM.
Assignment mode |
Master catalog |
Supplier catalog(only supported with Supplier Portal) |
Structure Group |
Auto Assignment |
Unsupported sequence(post import mode):
Supported sequence for this automatic assignment:
Supported sequence for this automatic assign ment (post import mode):
Unsupported |
Auto path resolution |
For first supported sequence for this automatic assignment:
The reference could be different according to the catalog to which the resolved asset belongs: Master catalog: reference contains only the asset file name. A reference includes relative path can't be resolved. Supplier catalog: reference can contain the asset file name or file name plus relative path.
For second supported sequence for this automa tic assign ment (post import mode):