How to configure a simple state management

Objective: Assign predefined templates of rights to items, depending on which state they are in. This could be for example full rights in "Draft" but read-only in "Review" for a particular user group.

1) Create Structure System (secondary maintenance structure) which inherits object rights down to items.
Put the ID of the system it into plugin_customization.ini file (at server\configuration\HPM) as ACL structure
The ID of the structure system can be identified with a rest call http://localhost:1512/rest/V1.0/list/Structure/all/

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Structure SERVER Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Defines the internal structure id of the structure
# by which the ACL inheritence is being performed.
# = <ID of structure system>
com.heiler.ppm.structure.server/ = 11214

2) Create User group "Pricing Team"

3) Create Groups in this structure "Draft" and group "Review"

4) Assign full rights to Pricing team in "Draft" and read-only in "Review". Make sure it is inherited to items by ticking the checkbox



5) Sign in with a user who is only part of user group "Pricing Team"

6) Create (or move) an item in Draft group > user has full access to the item

7) Move the same item to "Review" group (with drag and drop or workflow) > user has read-only access to the item
