
In following characteristics are described only for items to make the documentation more readable. Please note, that the same feature is also provided in the standard Product 360 for products and variants as well.

A characteristic defines what kind of value you expect on the item. It is the model whereas the characteristic value on the item is the instance. You can think of characteristics as being similar to the definition of a field in the repository. You can define a data type, if the value is mandatory, if it is language specific and so on.

Characteristics offer you to build a hierarchy of values and to define dependencies between values.



This is an example of a characteristic hierarchy with two levels. The number of levels is not restricted. Each of these characteristics could have child characteristics.

The first five child characteristics have a conditional value. This means there can only be a value for them depending on the selected value for their parent.

The last child characteristic is not dependent on the parent value but only makes sense in the context of a fabric, so if the item doesn't contain a fabric, there is no need to maintain a value.

When the user maintains the value "Down" for characteristic "Type of fabric" on any item, only four child characteristics will be displayed to maintain further values: three characteristic which have in the conditional value "Down" configured and the "Special Advise" without any conditional value configured.
