Monitoring with Micrometer

General monitoring approach

The Product 360 server exposes several metrics leveraging the micrometer library ( These monitoring systems are supported by the Product 360 server:

  • CloudWatch

  • Graphite

  • NewRelic

  • Dynatrace

  • Elastic

  • Prometheus

Configure the monitoring system you want to use in the file located in <PIM_SERVER_INSTALLATION_ROOT>\server\configuration\HPM\ of the server installation package to expose metrics. The application server needs to be restarted in order to have changes take effect. A list of JVM default metrics will be exposed as well as Product 360 custom metrics. Find a list of the available custom metrics below.

List of Product 360 custom metrics

Meter name in prometheus endpoint



queueName - Name of the monitored queue

Number of messages this Product 360 server has read from the queue with queueName

queueName - Name of the monitored queue

Number of messages this Product 360 server has successfully processed after it read them from the queue with queueName

queueName - Name of the monitored queue

Number of messages this Product 360 server has read from the queue with queueName, but errors occurred when they were processed

queueName - Name of the monitored queue

Number of messages this Product 360 server has written to the queue with queueName

queueName - Name of the monitored queue

Number of messages this Product 360 server has tried to write to the queue with queueName, but failed to do so

Sample for monitoring a Product 360 server with Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana

Architecture overview to monitor Product 360 servers with Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana.


The following steps are required to enable monitoring of Product 360 server with Micrometer, Prometheus and Grafana.

  • Enable the Prometheus endpoint for the Product 360 server you want to monitor by adjusting the values in the file

Micrometer settings in

### Prometheus settings ###
prometheus.enabled = true
prometheus.uriPath = /prometheus
prometheus.port = 9090
prometheus.descriptions = true
#prometheus.step =
  • As a minimum enable prometheus, set the uriPath and the port number

  • Restart the Product 360 server

  • Verify metrics are available by accessing the Prometheus endpoint you specified. In this sample http://<your_server_hostname>:9090/prometheus

  • Use a Prometheus server to pull the metrics from the Product 360 endpoints and to write them into a database. You need to add the Product 360 Prometheus endpoint as a scrape target to the prometheus.yml file. For details check the Prometheus configuration documentation

  • Use a Grafana server to visualize the collected metrics data in Prometheus. Therefore Prometheus is added as data source to Grafana and the meters are queried using PromQL (Prometheus Query Language). To visualize the JVM default metrics you can import one of the available Grafana template dashboards as for instance: To visualize the Product 360 custom metrics you can build your own dashboard and query them by the names listed in the custom metrics table or you can import the Product 360 dashboard containing the Product 360 custom metrics. Product_360_Grafana_Dashboard.json Specify your Prometheus server as data source during import.