Migration of 2PPD index

Step-by-step guide - How to convert an existing text file based search index configuration into the new export template based search index configuration.

Go through Migration of 3PPD index before proceeding.

Old Search Configuration

Old configuration will be defined as (If Article.CurrentStatus and Product2G.ManufacturerAID needs to be indexed):

field.Article.CurrentStatus.facetable= true
field.Article.CurrentStatus.searchable= true
field.Article.CurrentStatus.sortable= true
field.Article.CurrentStatus.stored= true
field.Article.CurrentStatus.type= infotext

field.Product2G.ManufacturerAID.searchable= true
field.Product2G.ManufacturerAID.type= referencenumber
field.Product2G.ManufacturerName.searchable= true
field.Product2G.ManufacturerName.sortable= true
field.Product2G.ManufacturerName.type= infotext

New configuration

In case of 2PPD index, only 2 root entities need to be configured in the config file. In a standard system these would be Product2G and Article. As already mentioned in 3PPD migration, parentEntityIdentifier needs to be added.

  • RecordJoin field needs to be added to the record as explained in 3PPD migration.

  • In order to ensure all relevant records in hierarchy always gets exported following modules are required.

    • Product2G

      • New Products

      • Changed Products

      • Products by Item assignments (It has assortment specified as Changed Items)

    • Item

      • New Items

      • Changed items

      • Items by product assignments (It has assortment specified as Changed Products)

  • It is very clear from the module names, all the records in hierarchy are exported whenever any of the record goes through a change. For example, a product was exported from Changed Products. Then all it's items will be exported from Items by product assignments.

  • Note that as already mentioned all the modules in an entity will always have the identical data in it. This can introduce redundancy in exported data but that is taken care of internally.

Migration of 2PPD template from v10.0.0.0

Follow the following steps to easily migrate from v10.0.0.0

  • Introduce a language variable and qualify all logical keys which are based on language using this variable. (Optional)

  • Copy the contents of New and Changed products and all it's sub-modules to above specified modules under Product

  • Deleted products and deleted items stay as is.

  • Remove modules Deleted item product reference and HandleRelationshipChanges along with all it's sub-modules.

  • Remove the routing field from Changed and New Items.

  • Remove the Higher-level product sub-module.