Web Search - Known issues and their resolutions

In case the application doesn't work, you might try the following:


Possible solution


Elasticsearch expects NDJSON (i.e. JSON is newline delimited). Most likely the export template is not having the new lines defined properly.


Web Search uses strict mapping. Most likely in the export template, there are more fields or sub-entities in the data modules than the schema what was defined in the configuration json.

Another possibility is if the field names defined in the config file and the field name used in data file are not matching.

"fields" to be based on repository

The config must contain only field identifiers based on repository fields and sub entities

Following special characters [ , ], > are not allowed in Field names used as facetable=true, including attribute fields names

Removing object rights on catalog still shows all the items present in if all items are indexed on a particular index.

Remove the object rights for that particular user on that full text search export profile as well which is responsible for creating this index. Hence the index will no longer be visible to users.

Received error : "Parent record itemNo@containerId not found in data file"

Check if products are getting exported at all. If products are not getting exported then replace the existing Products module responsible for export with an exactly identical one.