Log File Overview

This page gives an overview about the log files and their configuration options.


Default Log File Location

Log File Configuration


Application Server
Web Client



Application log files (out, error, perf)
Windows Service Wrapper log

Desktop Client



Supplier Portal



Application Logs
Tomcat Logs

Media Manager

<MediaManagerInstallationRoot>\Informatica Media Manager\IMM_protocols

Web Search



Application Logs
Tomcat Logs

Database Setup



Additional Logging of Dataquality

If you want verbose logging of the execution of a dataquality rule by the rule engine, go to the log4j2.xml file and change the priority of the IDQ category like below:

<Logger name="IDQ" level="DEBUG" />

The log files can also be found in the server log folder <ServerInstallationRoot>\server\logs\. Each rule configuration will be executed in it's own worker thread, so a log file will have following name pattern:


Additional Logging of Change Summary and Datagraph

To get the insides of datagraphs and change summaries before store them to the database you can enable the following logger. You can define the logger for each subclass of


This sample enables the logging for ArticlePersistenceManager.

<Logger name="com.heiler.ppm.article.server.internal.entity.ArticlePersistenceManager" level="TRACE />

Use this logger wisely. The logging output is big.

Additional Logging of Media Asset Processing

If you want to fetch the logging of JMS processing, go to the log4j2.xml file and add the following setting:


If you want to fetch the logging of Media Manager connector API methods, go to the log4j2.xml file and add the following setting:

Note: Connector logging via PIM is available since PIM 8.0.01

<Logger name="com.heiler.imm.connector" level="DEBUG" />

For more details information please visit the page Logging for Media Manager Connector within PIM.