Search and paging for media assets in Product Manager (only supported by Media Manager)

This article describes 2 new features of the Heiler Product Manager 6.0: extended search of Media Manager assets and paging mechanism in Document view.

Extended search of Media Manager assets in Product Manager

This new feature makes it possible for users to search a Media Manager asset directly from the Product Manager client (Document view), so that the integrated Media Manager Web view can be removed in Product Manager.

The Media Manager web client was integrated in the Product Manager before because users used it mainly to search for an image and after that they assigned the result with drag and drop to an item/product/structure group.

This feature is splitted in different steps, in the first step we provide an input field (Search) where the user can type in a search criteria. The search starts with a return or when the user clicks the search button. The search is an astrisk search and can be composed like a „Google search string".

For example: garfield and odie In this case the result set contains only sets which comply both criterias. (Here the result images contain not only "garfield" but also "odie".) The same result will be returned if the search string equals garfield odie (i.e. garfield and odie are separated with a space character).


with garfield or odie we get a result set containing all items which fulfill at least one criteria. (Here the result images contain either "garfield" or "odie".)

and "garfield and odie" returns a result set with all images which match exactly the content of the quotation. (Here the result is the image whose name contains exactly "garfile and odie".)

Additional filter information will be shown under the search text, if a filter ("show used" or "show unused") is selected.


This feature is currently available only for the Media Manager provider. The corresponding attribute "supportsSearch" of the MediaAssetProvider extension should therefore be set to "true":


Paging mechanism for Documents view

The new paging mechanism is integrated in "Documents View" to enhance performance for loading information from Media Manager, because it takes time to get response from the XOB server, especially for lots of media assets (e.g. there are very much media assets in a category or of a search result ). This new feature supports only the Media Manager modus.

The following picture shows the first page of the search result. The default page size is set to 10. The user can use different buttons to get to the first, the previous, the next or the last page of media assets. Alternatively the desired page can be typed in the text field and confirmed with "return".


The page size can be configured in the preferences. Click at "Management" of the menu bar and select "Preferences", then select "Miniature view" at the left panel of the dialog. The user can change the page size to get more or less media assets at one page.


After closing the preferences dialog the view will be refreshed and will show the first page with the new page size. If the page site is set to 0 (meaning unlimited) all media assets are shown in one page. That is very practical for some scenarios, e.g. the user wants to get all "used" media assets and does not like to always click the "next" button.


If the page result can not be accessed for some reason, the HPM will reconnect to the Media Manager server and an information dialog tells the user to try again after the first page is automatically refreshed.
