Show multi-select entries from MediaAssetDocumentAttributes


Util now only the free media asset attributes of simple type(e.g. boolean, text) from media manager can be added in repository. (For more information please see the Adding new media asset attributes to the repository)

In order to show the media asset attributes of the type "multiple selection list", the corresponding solution for the customer Technisat is integrated in HPM standard solution. Furthermore the corresponding adjustments are performed in "Multimedia documents" view, "Documents" view and its "DcoumentPropertiesDialog", so that such type attribute will be shown as a semicolon separate String. On the other hand XOBConnectorParseUtil.getFieldvalue is also refactored to convert alwlay an array value to list as result, so that such corresponding field value can be dealed for other jobs(e.g. in Export).


  1. set a free media asset attribute with type "multiple selection list" in Media manager application "Medias"


  2. add the corresponding field in product manager repository:

    1. create an new field type under Repository→ Types → MediaAssetType → MediaAssetDocumentType → MediaAssetDocumentAttributesType. And set its property "Upper Bound" with the value "-1" and the property "Persistence XPath" with the free attribute identifier which consists of the prefix "F_IMGITEM.IMI_ITEM" and the corresponding index.

    2. create an new filed of the above defined field type under Repository→ Custom → Multimedia attachment (Media Asset)→ Documents (MediaAssetDocument) → Attributes (MediaAssetDocumentAttributes).

  3. show the corresponding attribute in relevant views and dialog.
