REST Object API Read V2

Version 2 of the Object Read API introduces a new parameter "includeIds" and a streamlined response payload which no longer contains the extra "_current" element. Besides that, the response payload's _data element can directly be used for the Write API.
If a field or entity is supported by the Object API V2 has now been bound to the newly introduced "supportsObjectApi" flag in the repository. A better control over the fields and entities which are supported is possible with this.

The object api provides a canonical rest api for entity items. Contrary to the ListAPI, the object api is optimized for single (multiple) item use and can return all data of the items in the full hierarchical form of them. It is not the correct api for mass data retrival of a small set of columns. Please use the ListApi for such use cases.

Read Requests

Single Item

URL Pattern





application/json application/xml

If multiple accept headers are defined, they will be evaluated by their order.
The wildcard media type (*/*) will result in XML.




Return Codes



200 (OK)

Everything went fine

404 (Not Found)

Object couldn't be found

403 (Forbidden)

User has no read permission for this object


Internal server error, please check the server logs

Multiple Items

This endpoint provides a multi-item interface in which the client can provide multiple items which should be returned in one call. As query parameters do have a size limitation, this api is designed as POST. This api has restrictions on the number of items which can be called. In case the limit is exceeded a corresponding return code is provided.
Contrary to the single item GET request, a missing object permission or an unknown item id does not lead to an error return code; it will just not be returned.

URL Pattern






Supported Values



If multiple accept headers are defined, they will be evaluated by their order.
The wildcard media type (*/*) will result in XML.



Form Parameters







String based entity item syntax.

The form parameter can be provided multiple times and also
as a comma separated list or even a mix of both




Return Codes



200 (OK)

Everything went fine

413 (Payload too large)

The amount of entity item ids exceeds the configured limit (default: 100).

The response contains the "p360-ObjectAPI-MaxItems" header which returns the limit.


Internal server error, please check the server logs

Query Parameters

Please note that the qualification filter applies to all requested sub-entities which have this qualification. So, for example, if you filter for language=English, the ArticleLang and ArticleAttributeValueLang entities will both only return the English values!





Parameter description






Comma separated list of entity identifiers which should be part of the result. If omitted, the full object with all data is returned. We recommend to provide a list of entities which are required in order to gain performance.

Note: In case an entityFilter is provided, also the root entity is a filter value. So by only providing the root entity as filter value, only the fields of the root level are returned in the data.

Only return the root fields:

Only return the root fields, and the sales prices

Only return the language specific data like Short and Long Description





This parameter allows to restrict the output to certain qualifications. One example would be a filter so that only Euro and US-Dollar prices for the customer Informatica are returned.

The filter string is a comma-separated list of qualification settings. A qualification setting is a qualification name followed by a comma-separated list of values which is put into parentheses . The qualification name is defined in the repository and is included in the Meta-API.

Example for prices in Euro and US-Dollar and customer Informatica:





The revision for which the data should be retrieved




revision=4711 (where 4711 is the internal id of the revision).





If set to true, the returned document will contain _label elements for all fields or qualifications which have an enumeration. The label will be returned in the locale of the request like this:

"orderUnit" : {
"_current" : {
"_key" : {
"_entityId" : 3100,
"_internalId" : "932",
"_externalId" : "'C62'"
"_code" : "C62",
"_label" : "piece"







If set to false, the payload avoids to contain any internal ids which might be system specific. This specifically applies to the ENTITY_ITEM datatype which will then no longer contain the "_internalId" element, only the "_externalId". Also the "_entityId" element will be replaced by an "entity" element which then holds the alphanumeric identifier of the entity and not it's numeric id.

While reading and writing to the same Product 360 environment, we always recommend to include the ids since write performance is increased as no internal lookup needs to be done.
However, when reading from one system and applying to another P360 system (different database schemas!), includeIds should be set to false, otherwise the write operation might fail since the internal ids do not match to the target system.

In case the object is read for a 3rd party system, you might very well disable the internalIds to further reduce the response size!







If set to true a ZIP Archive will be provided on the server which can be downloaded using the File API. This archive will contain all MIME_VALUE binaries of all objects which have been returned by the call to the object API.
Is the single item read request is used, only the mime values for this single item are part of the archive. In case the multi-item read request is used the archive will contain the values for all items.


Object Permissions

The user needs to have the READ object permission for this API. In case he doesn't, the api returns HTTP 403 (forbidden) in case of the single item call with GET, and skip this item in case of the multiple items call.

Field Permissions

The user needs to have the READ field permissions for a field. If he doesn't, the field will not be part of the data element, but no error is returned.

Qualification Permissions (aka Qualified Field Permissions)

The user needs to have the READ permission for a qualification, e.g. for Language = English. If he doesn't, sub-entities which are qualified for this will not be part of the data element, but no error is returned.


Repository Entities and Fields


A new repository property "shortIdentifier" has been added in the custom section which is used to define the entity and field names for the json structure. The short identifier is unique within its parent entity only!

The standard repository already contains a short identifier for all fields and enabled qualifications.


  • ENTITY_ITEM objects. Depending on the includeIds parameter they contain a different subset:

    • includeIds = true: _entityId, _internalId and _externalId

    • includeIds = false: _entity and _externalId

  • MIME_VALUE objects always contain the relative _filePath, the _label and the _mimeType

  • timestamp: ISO 8601, e.g.: 2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z

  • date: ISO 8601, e.g.: 2019-07-04

  • numbers: standard JSON

  • "no value" is either provided as null, or the attribute is not in the document.

  • Empty string is returned as null, which is omitted when possible!

  • Enumeration fields

    • _key: always holds the unique key of the enumeration entry
      In case the enumeration field is of datatype ENTITY_ITEM, then the key will be provided with the ENTITY_ITEM syntax (see above)
      The key is omitted in case includeIds parameter is set to false, and the enumeration entry does have a code.

    • _code: the external code of the enumeration entry, if the enum entry has one, and it differs from the key!

    • _label: the locale dependent label of the enumeration entry. Only if includeLabels is set to true. The locale of the http request is used for this.

Meta attributes

All meta attributes are prefixed with an underscore.

  • _entity = the root entity identifier

  • _entityItem = the entity item in the ENTITY_ITEM syntax

  • _revision = the revision of the data as ENTITY_ITEM

  • _data = The actual entity item's data

  • _qualification = the qualification of the record. The combination of the qualification values in the qualification object define this record as unique within its parent.

Data Element

In order to be part of the data element of the object api, a sub-entity or field must fulfill multiple criteria:

  • The entity or field must be active in the repository

  • The entity or field must have supportsObjectApi = true in the repository.
    In case the corresponding FieldType or EntityType does not support object api, enabling it in the custom area has no effect.

  • The user must have READ permission for the Entity or Field

  • The user must have READ permission for the qualification of the sub-entity

  • The field must must not be a password Field in the repository

  • Qualifications must be editable in the repository

Entities, Fields or Qualifications which do not comply to any of these points will be omitted in the data element. No exception is thrown.

Example Result

includeIds = true

includeIds = false

"_entity": "Article",
"_entityItem": {
"_internalId": "18@1",
"_entityId": 1000,
"_externalId": "\u0027supplierAID-1\u0027@\u0027MASTER\u0027"
"_revision": {
"_internalId": "1",
"_entityId": 5600,
"_externalId": "\u0027root\u0027"
"_container": {
"_internalId": "1",
"_entityId": 2900,
"_externalId": "\u0027MASTER\u0027"
"_data": {
"identifier": "supplierAID-1",
"manufacturerAID": "A000000000000",
"noCUperOU": 907.3600,
"deliveryTime": 1.6000,
"currentStatus": {
"_key": 100,
"_code": "NEW"
"manufacturerName": "UQ Communications",
"catalog": {
"_key": {
"_entityId": 2900,
"_internalId": "1",
"_externalId": "\u0027MASTER\u0027"
"_code": "MASTER"
"quantityMin": 2.0000,
"mainSupplier": {
"_key": {
"_entityId": 2800,
"_internalId": "3",
"_externalId": "\u0027Heiler Product Manager\u0027"
"_code": "Heiler Product Manager"
"priceQuantity": 501.0400,
"kitComponent": false,
"contentUnit": {
"_key": {
"_entityId": 3100,
"_internalId": "536",
"_externalId": "\u0027MQH\u0027"
"_code": "MQH"
"quantityInterval": 1.0000,
"kitParent": false,
"orderUnit": {
"_key": {
"_entityId": 3100,
"_internalId": "539",
"_externalId": "\u0027CMQ\u0027"
"_code": "CMQ"
"soldOnlyInKits": false,
"lang": [
"_qualification": {
"language": {
"_key": 7,
"_code": "deu"
"keywords": [
"descriptionLong": "one side. Elizabeth smiled at the recollection of all that she had heard of its inhabitants. At length the Parsonage was discernible. The garden sloping to the road, the house standing in it, the green pales, and the laurel hedge, everything declared they were arriving. Mr. Collins and Charlotte appeared at the door, and the carriage stopped at the small gate which led by a short gravel walk to the house, amidst the nods and smiles of the whole party. In a moment they were all out of the chaise, rejoicing at the sight of each other. Mrs. Collins welcomed her friend with the liveliest pleasure, and Elizabeth was more and more satisfied with coming when she found herself so affectionately received. She saw instantly that her cousin’s manners w",
"descriptionShort": "a few minutes’ conversation with Charlotte, but was scarcely ever prevailed upon to get out. Very few days passed in which Mr."
"_qualification": {
"language": {
"_key": 12,
"_code": "fra"
"keywords": [
"descriptionLong": "yet it would seem, by her manner of talking, as if she wanted to persuade herself that he is really partial to Miss Darcy. I cannot understand it. If I were not afraid of judging harshly, I should be almost tempted to say that there is a strong appearance of duplicity in all this. But I will endeavour to banish every painful thought, and think only of what will make me happy—your affection, and the invariable kindness of my dear uncle and aunt. Let me hear from you very soon. Miss Bingley said something of his never returning to Netherfield again, of giving up the house, but not with any certainty. We had better not mention it. I am extremely glad that you have such pleasant accounts from our friends at Hunsford. Pray go to see them, with Sir William and Maria. I am sure you",
"descriptionShort": "it is not true. A great many changes have happened in the neighbourhood, since you went away. Miss Lucas is married and settled. And"
"_qualification": {
"language": {
"_key": 9,
"_code": "eng"
"keywords": [
"descriptionShort": "thanks and assurances of happiness. She had spent six weeks with great enjoyment; and the pleasure of being with Charlotte, and the"
"_qualification": {
"language": {
"_key": 10,
"_code": "esl"
"keywords": [
"descriptionLong": "invitation was accepted of course, and at a proper hour they joined the party in Lady Catherine’s drawing-room. Her ladyship received them civilly, but it was plain that their company was by no means so acceptable as when she could get nobody else; and she was, in fact, almost engrossed by her nephews, speaking to them, especially to Darcy, mu",
"descriptionShort": "in the best manner that his profession might allow—and if he took orders, desired that a valuable family living might be his as soon as it becam"
"pricePurchase": [
"_qualification": {
"supplier": {
"_key": {
"_entityId": 2800,
"_internalId": "3",
"_externalId": "\u0027Heiler Product Manager\u0027"
"_code": "Heiler Product Manager"
"currency": {
"_key": "GBP"
"type": {
"_key": 1,
"_code": "net_list"
"territory": {
"_key": "DE"
"validFrom": "1899-12-30",
"validTo": "9999-12-31"
"value": [
"_qualification": {
"lowerBound": 3.0000
"amount": 224648.610000,
"factor": 1.0000
"priceSales": [
"_qualification": {
"currency": {
"_key": "CHF"
"type": {
"_key": 5,
"_code": "nrp"
"customer": {
"_key": {
"_entityId": 2800,
"_internalId": "1",
"_externalId": "\u0027Public\u0027"
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"validFrom": "1899-12-30",
"validTo": "9999-12-31"
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"factor": 1.0000
"_qualification": {
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"_key": "USD"
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"_key": 3,
"_code": "net_customer"
"customer": {
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"validTo": "9999-12-31"
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"factor": 1.0000
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"_key": "MX"
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"creationDate": "2022-03-11T14:52:36.300Z"
"ownLog": [
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"language": {
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"marketingMessage": "not so good an income as yours. Do you draw?” “No, not at all.” “What, none of you?” “Not one.” “That is very strange. But I suppose you had no opportunity. Your mother should have taken you to town every spring for the benefit of masters.” “My mother would have had no objection, but my father hates London.” “Has your governess left you?” “We never had any governess.” “No governess! How was that possible? Five daughters brought up at home without a governess! I never"
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"marketingMessage": "brother-in-law, Mr. Hurst, merely looked the gentleman; but his frie"
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"marketingMessage": "It was a journey of only twenty-four miles, and they began it so early as to be in Gracechurch Street by noon. As they drove to Mr. Gardiner’s door, Jane was at a drawing-room window watching their"
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"marketingMessage": "a mixture of pride and obsequiousness, self-importance and humility. Having now a good house and a very sufficient income, he intended to marry; and in seeking a reconciliation with"
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"did she think it for Bingley and her sister that s"
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"admiration of Captain Carter, and her hope of seeing him in the course of the day"
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"_externalId": "\u0027FALSE\u0027@\u0027NonBinaryLogicCodes\u0027"
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"_externalId": "\u0027fatPercentageInDryMatter\u0027"
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Please see the attached postman example collection for you convenience: ObjectAPI.postman_collection.json

Get Item by ID
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1512/rest/V2.0/object/Article/14260@1120' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic cmVzdDpoZWlsZXI='
Get Item by Identifier As XML
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1512/rest/V2.0/object/Article/'\''supplierAID-42'\''@'\''MySupplierCatalog'\''' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic cmVzdDpoZWlsZXI='
Get Filtered Item (entity and qualification filter)
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:1512/rest/V2.0/object/Article/'\''supplierAID-42'\''@'\''MySupplierCatalog'\''?qualificationFilter=language(eng)&entityFilter=ArticleLang' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic cmVzdDpoZWlsZXI='