With Version 10.5 we introduce an optimized version of the Read Object API and a new Write Object API. The usage of Version 1 of the Read Object Api is supported, but discouraged.

With this all typical CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations can be performed for all repository based entities which support the object API.

Overview Presentation

This powerpoint presentation gives a rough overview of the Version 2 of the Object API. Please also see the partner portals for the demo videos which accompany this ppt.


Each Object API chapter has some examples directly on the page. For your convenience we also provide a Postman Collection (2.1 Version) with examples ready to use and try out the API. The collection also contains example calls to publish the api calls to the Apache MQ. For details on this see also ObjectAPI Queue.

Download the Postman Collection (V2.1) here: ObjectAPI.postman_collection.json