B2B IM Export Templates

You can find a general description how to load and save export templates and xsd files in Appendix A: Export templates.

Data source export templates

All messages sent to the GDSN pool are transferred as XML files created by exports. For this purpose, there are four export format template files provided as mentioned below.

  • Catalog Request Item

  • Catalog Request Link Add

  • Catalog Request Link Delete

  • Catalog Request Publication

  • Catalog Request Publication Withdrawal

Data recipient export templates

These export templates can only be used if you are a data recipient. To change Product 360 to the data recipient mode have a look at the chapter Application modules.

  • Catalog Item Subscription (CIS_CatalogItemSubscription.ext)

  • Catalog Item Confirmation (CIC_CatalogItemConfirmation.ext)

We will come back to export templates in the Operations chapter.