Export templates (GDSN DS)

You can find a general description how to load and save export templates and xsd files in Appendix A: Export templates.

Note: If you want to export to the DSE pool adjust the repository like described in "Configuration for DSE".

All export templates, XSD and XSLT files can be found in the DataSource/DSE/OpenAS2 folders of the GDSN accelerator package.

Export templates

The export templates can be found in DataSource/DSE/OpenAS2/ExportTemplates.

  • CIN_CatalogItemNotification.ext

  • CIP_CatalogItemPublication.ext

  • CIPHW_CatalogItemPublicationHierarchyWithdrawal.ext

Load and save them in Product360.

XSD schema files

The XSD schema files are located in DataSource/DSE/OpenAS2/ExportTemplates/XSDs

Upload the xsd files to the system.

XSLT files

In DataSource/DSE/OpenAS2/ExportTemplates/PostExport there are four XSLT files needed to transform the export files into a file set ready to be submitted to the GDSN pool. Based on the filenames, you can see to which export template and post step they should be assigned.

Note: for "CIN_CatalogItemNotification" you have to configure two "XSL Transformation" export steps.

XSLT file

Export template

Post step



XSL transformation(file split)



XSL transformation(hierarchy)

CIP_CatalogueItemPublication_FileSplit .xslt


XSL transformation(file split)



XSL transformation(file split)