How to enable the debugging of CKEditor

To see some debug informations from the CKEditor, just add a corresponding Log4J category to the file log4j.xml (on the client):

<category name="com.heiler.ppm.rte.ckeditor.ui.editor.CKEditor">
<priority value="DEBUG"/>

After that each time a CKEditor instance is created, the following information will be logged (for example):

12:46:51,870 DEBUG [main] [CKEditor] SET BROWSER URL: 'http://DEW179613:1501/ckeditor/ckeditor.html?language=en&spellingLang=en_US&loginName=wmichel&editable=true&setReadOnlyWhenReady=false&spellingEnabled=true'
12:46:52,170 DEBUG [main] [CKEditor] CKEDITOR instance is READY
12:46:52,176 DEBUG [main] [CKEditor] [############## CKEDITOR ENVIRONMENT ################ = 'true'
CKEDITOR.env.isCompatible = 'true'
CKEDITOR.env.quirks = 'false'
CKEDITOR.env.version = '7'
navigator.userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)']

The "browser URL" shows which URL with which parameters will be requested to load the CKEditor.

The "CKEditor environment" (available since PIM 7.1.03) contains some usefull information about the browser environment, which is embedded into the PIM Desktop. See also!/api/CKEDITOR.env for more details about specific environment properties.