Toolbar configuration

The toolbar of the rich text editor in PIM Desktop and PIM Web contains by default a set of several actions:


Since PIM it is possible to customize the rich text editor toolbar using the extension point com.heiler.ppm.rte.ckeditor.core.ckeditorConfiguration.

To provide your own rich text editor toolbar just implement a ToolbarConfigProvider and contribute it using this extension point. The provider class defines which actions and text features are available in the toolbar. There is a base implementation of the provider - ToolbarConfigProviderBaseImpl - which should be used for the implementation of a custom toolbar config provider. You can use the standard implementation as a template and as example to make your custom implementation. You find the source code of the standard implementation class in the SDK examples: com.heiler.ppm.customizing.ckeditor.internal.DefaultToolbarConfigProvider.

The order attribute of the extension point determines which implementation of the toolbar config provider should be used. The standard implementation has order 100. So set a higher value to the order attribute to make sure, that your custom toolbar config provider will be used:


NOTE: from the PIM version until 7.1.01 the element toolbarConfigProvider was located in a separate extension point: com.heiler.ppm.rte.ckeditor.core.toolbarConfigProviders. Since the version 7.1.01 it was moved into the more general configuration extension point: com.heiler.ppm.rte.ckeditor.core.ckeditorConfiguration (see also CKEditor configuration and customization)

If the customization should affect both PIM Desktop and PIM Web, make the contribution in a core plug-in which runs on server and client.