Adding advanced rule associations
Use Cloud Data Quality rule specifications to add advanced rule associations for business entity fields.
1On the business entity page, select a field to associate rules.
2In the Properties section, click Data Quality > Advanced.
3Click Add Advanced Rule Association.
A form appears.
4To validate inputs fields that are empty, enable Run rule association even if all input fields are empty.
5To select a rule specification, perform the following tasks:
- aClick the asset picker.
The Select an Asset page appears.
- bSelect a rule specification, and click Select.
6Enter a unique name for the rule association.
7Optionally, enter a description.
8On the Input and Output Fields tab, perform the following tasks:
- aIn the Input Fields section, select a business entity field or enter an input value for each rule specification field.
- bIn the Output Fieldssection, select a business entity field for each rule specification field.
9On the Validation tab, perform the following tasks:
- aIn the Rule Status section, select a rule specification field that contains the validation status.
- b Enter a validation status that indicates successful validation.
Note: Ensure that the validation status matches the rule specification output value for successful validation.
- cIn the Error Status section, select one of the following options to define the severity of the validation failure:
- ▪ Information. For minor data quality issues. The users can save the data.
- ▪ Warning. For less severe data quality issues. The users can save the data.
- ▪ Error. For severe data quality issues. The users cannot save the data.
Note: Severity of the validation failure is applicable only when you ingress data or create records in real time.
- dTo configure the error message, select one of the following options:
- ▪ From Rule Specification Field. Select a rule specification field that contains error message.
- ▪ Custom Message. Enter a custom error message.
- eSelect a field to use to downgrade the trust score.
Note: Trust score downgrade is applicable only when you ingress data.
- fEnter the percentage of trust score to downgrade when the validation fails.
- gClick Save.