Configure Survivorship > Configuring survivorship > Step 1. Select objects

Step 1. Select objects

You can configure survivorship rules and rank source systems for business entities, fields, field groups, or nested field groups. To configure survivorship, you start by selecting one of these objects.
    1On the Explore page, open the business entity, and click the Survivorship tab.
    2Select a business entity, fields, or field groups, and click Edit All.
    When you search for a field or a field group that belongs to another field group, the parent field group appears as a search result. You can expand the parent field group to view the field or field group that you search for.
    3 If you select a business entity, select one of the following options:
    4If you select fields or field groups nested within a field group, perform the following steps:
    1. aSelect the parent field group.
    2. bClear Survive as a block, and click Apply.
    3. cClear the field group or nested field group that you disabled from surviving as a block, and select the fields or nested field groups.
    4. dIf you select multiple fields and nested field groups, click Edit All.