Customer 360 Extension for Salesforce > Installing Customer 360 Extension for Salesforce manually > Searching for matching records in Customer 360

Searching for matching records in Customer 360

You can setup Salesforce to search for matching Account and Person Account records in Customer 360 SaaS when you create a record in Salesforce. If the record exists in Customer 360 SaaS, you can choose to import the existing record to Salesforce. If the record exists in Salesforce, you can view and update the record. You can avoid creating duplicate records in Salesforce.
When you search for matching records, the exact match strategy uses the search configuration, and the fuzzy match strategy uses the match model configuration.
For more information on Search Match API, see Search Match API and Search API.

Prerequisites to search for matching records in Customer 360

To enable Salesforce to search for matching records, ensure that you have completed the following prerequisites:

Searching for matching records in Salesforce

To search for matching records, the exact match strategy uses the search configuration and the fuzzy match strategy uses the match model configuration. To use the match model configuration, perform the following steps:
  1. 1Log in to Salesforce.
  2. 2From the Sales App, select the Accounts tab.
  3. 3Click Search Customer 360 & Import.
  4. The Search Customer 360 & Import page appears.
  5. 4Select the record type and click Continue.
  6. 5Clear the Exact Search check box.

Setting up Cloud Application Integration

Application Integration helps you perform the web service-based integration of processes, applications, and systems in real time. Customer 360 Extension for Salesforce uses the Application Integration assets to interact with Customer 360 SaaS.
To set up Application Integration for Customer 360 Extension for Salesforce , perform the following tasks:
  1. 1Set the theme of the Application Integration guide to lightning. For more information about setting the theme of the Application Integration guide, see Set the appearance of the Application Integration guide to Lightning.
  2. 2Import the Application Integration assets. For more information about importing Application Integration assets, see Importing the Application Integration assets.
  3. 3Configure the Salesforce connection. For more information about configuring Salesforce connection, see Configuring the Salesforce connection.
  4. 4Configure the Customer 360 SaaS connection. For more information about configuring Customer 360 connection, see Configuring the Customer 360 connection.
  5. 5Publish the assets. For more information about publishing the assets, see Publishing the Salesforce and Customer 360 assets.

Set the appearance of the Application Integration guide to Lightning

Before you begin to set up Application Integration, set the appearance of the guide to Lightning.
  1. 1In Application Integration, select Configure Guides.
  2. 2On the Themes tab, select Lightning as the theme, and click Save.

Creating the URN mappings

You can map a URN to a URL to deploy the assets to the cloud.
    1In Application Integration Console, click Deployed Assets, and select Cloud.
    2Click the URN Mappings tab.
    3Create the following URN mappings:
    Sample URL
    https://<POD name><POD region>
    For more information, see URN mappings.

Configuring the account properties for person account-enabled environments

To import a person account record from Customer 360 to Salesforce, you need to configure the input fields.
    1Log in to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
    2Click Application Integration.
    3Use the Explore page and navigate to Customer360 > Salesforce Extension > infac360sf_guide_personAccountSearch.
    The design workflow for the guide appears.
    4In the Design section, click Import the record to Salesforce > Account.
    The Account Properties section appears.
    5In the Account Properties section, click Input fields.
    6For the Record Type ID field, select Person Account.
    7Click Save.

Publishing the Salesforce and Customer 360 assets

After you made the configuration changes, you must publish the assets so that you can use them.
Note: To avoid any caching issues, ensure that you use the incognito mode of your browser while working with the Cloud Application Integration assets.
  1. 1In Application Integration, click Explore > Customer360 > Salesforce Extension.
  2. 2To publish an asset, select the asset to publish, expand the Actions menu, and select Publish.
  3. Publish the assets in the following order:

Setting up Salesforce

After you configure Application Integration, create a Visualforce page in Salesforce, add a custom button, and add the custom button to search layouts.
  1. 1To create a Visualforce page, perform the following tasks:
    1. aLogin to your Salesforce account.
    2. bIn the Lightning Experience, click the quick access menu (The image shows the quick access menu.), and then click Setup.
    3. The Setup Home page appears.
    4. cUnder PLATFORM TOOLS, click Custom Code > Visualforce Pages.
    5. The Visualforce Pages opens.
    6. dClick New.
    7. The Page Edit section opens.
    8. eIn the Page Information section, enter the label Account Search Page.
    9. fOn the Visualforce Markup tab, enter the following code:
    10. <apex:page standardController="Account" title="Consolidated Account Search Before Create" recordSetVar="sobjects">
      <icrt:AeSalesGuides guideName="infac360sf_guide_account_search" objectType="Account"
      objectId="{!Account.Id}" height="700px"/>
    11. gClick Save.
  2. 2To create a custom button, perform the following tasks:
    1. aClick the quick access menu (The image shows the quick access menu.), and click Setup.
    2. The Setup Home page appears.
    3. bUnder PLATFORM TOOLS, click Objects and Fields > Object Manager.
    4. The Setup Object Manager page appears.
    5. cClick Account > Buttons, Links, and Actions > New Button or Link.
    6. The New Button or Link page appears.
    7. dEnter Search Customer 360 & Import as label.
    8. eSelect List Button.
    9. fClear Display Checkboxes.
    10. gIn the Behaviour list, select Display in existing window with sidebar.
    11. hIn the Content Source list, select Visualforce Page.
    12. iIn the Content list, select the Visualforce page that you configured.
    13. jClick Save.
  3. 3Add the custom button to search layouts for Lightning Experience.
    1. aClick the quick access menu (The image shows the quick access menu.), and click Setup.
    2. The Setup Home page appears.
    3. bUnder PLATFORM TOOLS, click Objects and Fields > Object Manager.
    4. The Setup Object Manager page appears.
    5. cClick Account/Prospect > Search Layouts.
    6. dFor the custom button that you created, click the down arrow, and select Edit.
    7. The Edit Search Layout page appears.
    8. eIn the Custom Buttons section, add the created custom button to the Selected Buttons column, and click Save.
  4. 4Add the custom button to search layouts for Salesforce Classic.
    1. aClick the quick access menu (The image shows the quick access menu.), and click Setup.
    2. The Setup Home page appears.
    3. bUnder PLATFORM TOOLS, click Objects and Fields > Object Manager.
    4. The Setup Object Manager page appears.
    5. cClick Account/Prospect > Search Layouts > Search Layouts for Salesforce Classic.
    6. dFor the List View label, click the down arrow, and select Edit.
    7. The Edit Search Layout page appears.
    8. eIn the Custom Buttons section, add the created custom button to the Selected Buttons column, and click Save.
  5. 5To verify the custom button, on the Account Home page, click Buttons, Links, and Actions.
  6. The Search Customer 360 & Import button appears.

Testing the integration

After you complete setting up Salesforce, test the integration between Salesforce and Customer 360.
  1. 1On the Account Home page, click Search Customer 360 & Import.
  2. 2Select the Record Type.
  3. 3To perform exact search, select Exact Search, and click Continue.
  4. 4Enter the details, and click Search.
  5. If similar records exist in Customer 360 or Salesforce, a list of matching records appear.
  6. 5Select a matching record, click View Record, and perform one of the following tasks: