Connections for INFACore > Connections to source and target endpoints > Snowflake


Create a Snowflake connection to read from or write to Snowflake tables and views. You can also read from Snowflake external tables, hybrid tables, and materialized views.

Feature snapshot


Before you begin

Before you configure the connection properties, you'll need to get information from your Snowflake account.
The following video shows you how to get information from your Snowflake account:
You can use the following authentication methods to connect to Snowflake:

Connection properties

For the connection properties, see the following topics:

Read properties

The following table describes the advanced source properties that you can configure in the Python code to read from Snowflake:
Advanced Property
Overrides the database specified in the connection.
Overrides the schema specified in the connection.
Overrides the Snowflake warehouse name specified in the connection.
Overrides the Snowflake role assigned to user you specified in the connection.
The warehouse name in the mapping overrides the warehouse name you specify in the connection. Even though you provide an incorrect warehouse name in the connection properties, the connection is successful. However, before you run the mapping, ensure that you specify the correct warehouse name in the mapping properties.
The pre-SQL command to run on the Snowflake source table before the agent reads the data.
For example, if you want to update records in the database before you read the records from the table, specify a pre-SQL statement.
The query must include a fully qualified table name. You can specify multiple pre-SQL commands, each separated with a semicolon.
Post SQL
The post-SQL command to run on the Snowflake table after the agent completes the read operation.
For example, if you want to delete some records after the latest records are loaded, specify a post-SQL statement.
The query must include a fully qualified table name. You can specify multiple post-SQL commands, each separated with a semicolon.
Table Name
Overrides the table name of the imported Snowflake source table.
SQL Override
The SQL statement to override the default query used to read data from the Snowflake source.

Write properties

The following table describes the advanced target properties that you can configure in the Python code to write to Snowflake:
Advanced Property
Loads data to the target based on the mode you specify.
Applicable when you select the Update operation or the Data Driven operation.
Select from one of the following modes:
  • - Update As Update. Updates all rows flagged for update if the entries exist.
  • - Update Else Insert. The agent first updates all rows flagged for update if the entries exist in the target. If the entries do not exist, the agent inserts the entries.
Overrides the database that you used to import the object.
Overrides the schema that you used to import the object.
Overrides the Snowflake name specified in the connection.
The warehouse name in the mapping overrides the warehouse name you specify in the connection.
Even though you provide an incorrect warehouse name in the connection properties, the connection is successful. However, before you run the mapping, ensure that you specify the correct warehouse name in the mapping properties.
Overrides the Snowflake role assigned to the user specified in the connection.
The pre-SQL command to run before the agent writes to Snowflake.
For example, if you want to assign sequence object to a primary key field of the target table before you write data to the table, specify a pre-SQL statement.
You can specify multiple pre-SQL commands, each separated with a semicolon.
Post SQL
The post-SQL command to run after the agent completes the write operation.
For example, if you want to alter the table created by using create target option and assign constraints to the table before you write data to the table, specify a post-SQL statement.
You can specify multiple post-SQL commands, each separated with a semicolon.
Batch Row Size
The number of rows written to a single file in the agent location. When the number of rows written to the file reaches the value specified, the agent flushes the data queue and starts processing the write commands.
Number of local staging files
The number of files that represents a single batch of data. The default number of files is 64.
After the agent uploads the specified number of local staging files to the Snowflake user stage, Snowflake unloads the data to the target table.
Truncate Target Table
Truncates the database target table before inserting new rows. Select one of the following options:
  • - True. Truncates the target table before inserting all rows.
  • - False. Inserts new rows without truncating the target table
Default is false.
Additional Write Runtime Parameters
Specify additional runtime parameters.
For example, if you want to specify the user-defined stage in the Snowflake database to upload the local staging files, specify the name of the stage location in the following format:
If you want to optimize the write performance, you can choose to compress files before writing to Snowflake tables. You can set the compression parameter to On or Off, for example:
By default, compression is on.
Separate multiple runtime parameters with &.
Table Name
Overrides the table name of the Snowflake target table.
Rejected File Path
The filename and path of the file on the agent machine where you want to write the rejected records.
For example, \rejectedfiles\reject7
Update Override
Overrides the default update query that the agent generates for the update operation with the update query.

Standard authentication

When you set up a Snowflake connection, configure the connection properties.
The following table describes the Snowflake connection properties for the Standard authentication mode:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
The authentication method that the connector must use to log in to Snowflake.
Select Standard. Default is Standard.
The user name to connect to the Snowflake account.
The password to connect to the Snowflake account.
The name of the Snowflake account.
For example, if the Snowflake URL is https://<123abc>, your account name is the first segment in the URL before Here, is your account name.
If you use the Snowsight URL, for example,<123abc>/dashboard, your account name is
Note: Ensure that the account name doesn't contain underscores. To use an alias name, contact Snowflake Customer Support.
The Snowflake warehouse name.
The Snowflake role assigned to the user.
Additional JDBC URL Parameters
The additional JDBC connection parameters.
Enter one or more JDBC connection parameters in the following format:
For example:
Important: Ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=) when you add the parameters.

OAuth 2.0 authorization code authentication

The following table describes the Snowflake connection properties for an OAuth 2.0 - AuthorizationCode type connection:
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
The authentication method that the Snowflake connection must use to log in to Snowflake.
Select AuthorizationCode.
The name of the Snowflake account.
For example, if the Snowflake URL is https://<123abc>, your account name is the first segment in the URL before Here, is your account name.
If you use the Snowsight URL, for example,<123abc>/dashboard, your account name is
Note: Ensure that the account name doesn't contain underscores. To use an alias name, contact Snowflake Customer Support.
The Snowflake warehouse name.
Additional JDBC URL Parameters
The additional JDBC connection parameters.
Enter one or more JDBC connection parameters in the following format:
For example:
Important: Ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=) when you add the parameters.
Authorization URL
The Snowflake server endpoint that is used to authorize the user request.
The authorization URL is https://<account name>, where <account name> specifies the full name of your account provided by Snowflake.
For example, https://<abc>
Note: If the account name contains underscores, use the alias name.
You can also use the Authorization Code grant type that supports the authorization server in a Virtual Private Cloud network.
Access Token URL
The Snowflake access token endpoint that is used to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
The access token URL is https://<account name>, where <account name> specifies the full name of your account provided by Snowflake.
For example, https://<abc>
Note: If the account name contains underscores, use the alias name.
Client ID
Client ID of your application that Snowflake provides during the registration process.
Client Secret
Client secret of your application.
Determines the access control if the API endpoint has defined custom scopes.
Enter space-separated scope attributes.
For example, specify session:role:CQA_GCP as the scope to override the value of the default user role. The value must be one of the roles assigned in Security Integration.
Access Token Parameters
Additional parameters to use with the access token URL.
Define the parameters in the JSON format.
For example, define the following parameters:
Authorization Code Parameters
Additional parameters to use with the authorization token URL.
Define the parameters in the JSON format.
For example, define the following parameters:
[{"Name":"code_challenge","Value":"Ikr-vv52th0UeVRi4"}, {"Name":"code_challenge_method","Value":"S256"}]
Access Token
The access token value.
Enter the populated access token value, or click Generate Token to populate the access token value.
Generate Token
Generates the access token and refresh token based on the OAuth attributes you specified.
Refresh Token
The refresh token value.
Enter the populated refresh token value, or click Generate Token to populate the refresh token value. If the access token is not valid or expires, the agent fetches a new access token with the help of the refresh token.
Note: If the refresh token expires, provide a valid refresh token or regenerate a new refresh token by clicking Generate Token.

Key pair authentication

The following table describes the Snowflake connection properties for the KeyPair authentication type connection:
Connection property
Connection Name
Name of the connection.
Each connection name must be unique within the organization. Connection names can contain alphanumeric characters, spaces, and the following special characters: _ . + -,
Maximum length is 255 characters.
The authentication method to log in to Snowflake.
Select KeyPair.
The user name to connect to the Snowflake account.
The name of the Snowflake account.
For example, if the Snowflake URL is https://<123abc>, your account name is the first segment in the URL before Here, is your account name.
If you use the Snowsight URL, for example,<123abc>/dashboard, your account name is
Note: Ensure that the account name doesn't contain underscores. To use an alias name, contact Snowflake Customer Support.
The Snowflake warehouse name.
Additional JDBC URL Parameters
Optional. The additional JDBC connection parameters.
Enter one or more JDBC connection parameters in the following format:
For example:
Important: Ensure that there is no space before and after the equal sign (=) when you add the parameters.
Private Key File
Path to the private key file, including the private key file name, that the Secure Agent uses to access Snowflake.
Note: Verify that the keystore is FIPS-certified.
Private Key Password
Password for the private key file.