Creating a Concur Synchronization Task (DSS)
You need to create a connection before creating a synchronization task.
Let us consider the task operation Insert to perform the synchronization task.
Perform the following steps to create a synchronization task in Data Integration.
Note: Select Upsert task operation to perform insert or update operation.
1To create a synchronization task, click Data Integration > New > Tasks. Select Synchronization Task and click Create.
The Definition tab appears.
2Specify Task Name, provide a Description and select Upsert as the Task Operation.
3Click Next.
The Source tab appears.
4Select the source Connection, Source Type and Source Object to be used for the task.
5Click Next.
The Target tab appears.
6Select the target Connection and Target Object required for the task.
7Click Next.
The Data Filters tab appears.
8In Data Filters tab, by default Process all rows is chosen. To assign filters to the synchronization task, see Data Filters. Note: Data Filters are applicable only for parent level objects.
10Click Next.
The Field mapping tab appears.
11In Field Mapping tab, map source fields to target fields accordingly.
12Click Next.
The Schedule tab appears.
13In Schedule tab, you can schedule the task as per requirement and save.
14If you do not want schedule the task, click Save and Run the task.
After you Save and Run the task, you will be redirected to monitor log page. In monitor log page, you can monitor the status of synchronization tasks.