Administration > Configure workflows > Configuring a workflow

Configuring a workflow

Configure the events that trigger the workflow, the user roles that can participate in the workflow, and the options available in each task associated with the workflow.
    1In Metadata Command Center, go to the Configure page.
    2Click the Workflows tab.
    3To configure a new workflow, click the Add icon.
    4In the Event Details tab, enter the basic properties of the workflow.
    The following table describes the properties that you can enter:
    Enter the event that triggers the workflow. The event name is a descriptor that identifies the activity for which the workflow should start.
    For example, to start a workflow each time a user creates an AI Model asset, you can enter the event name as Create AI Model.
    Event Type
    Select the type of event for which you want to configure the workflow.
    Select one of the following options:
    • - Approval Request for Create. Select if you want to create an asset.
    • - Approval Request for Change. Select if you want to modify an asset.
    Enter a description for the workflow.
    Select Assets
    Click the Add icon to select the asset type for which the workflow applies.
    In the Select Asset Type dialog box, select the business or technical assets for which the workflow should start.
    The following image shows the New Event page:
    The Event Details tab of the New Event page.
    5Click Next to configure specific properties of the workflow on the Workflow tab.
    6Click Browse to select a process.
    The Select a Process dialog box appears.
    7Choose a published process that meets your requirement and click Select.
    The following image shows the Select a Process dialog box:
    The Select a Process dialog box with a process selected and a Select button.
    The human tasks and input fields configured for the selected process appear in the Workflow tab. You can modify the task details in each step. The Tasks area displays a list of tasks configured for the workflow.
    8Click Show Workflow Diagram to view the selected process in Application Integration in a new tab.
    The following image shows the design of a process in Application Integration:
    The Design tab of the selected process in Application Integration.
    9In Metadata Command Center, select a task from the Tasks area to modify the task details.
    The following image shows the tasks and task details in the Workflow tab:
    The Workflow tab displays the task and task details after selecting a process.
    10Configure the task properties in the Task Details area.
    The following table describes the task properties:
    The human task name in the process.
    Task Name
    The task name.
    The subject of the notification that the workflow user receives.
    Due In
    Enter the number of days or months in which the task is due. If the user completes the task within the period, the task moves to the next step of the workflow. If the user doesn't complete the task within the period, the task remains in an incomplete status.
    You must specify a value for each task. Default is 2 days.
    Task Outcome
    Select the value of the Lifecycle field that applies to the asset when the workflow user performs the task. The asset moves to the corresponding lifecycle when the task is performed.
    Select one of the following options:
    • - No Change
    • - Discard Draft
    • - Draft
    • - In Review
    • - Publish
    You must select an action for each task outcome.
    For more information about task outcomes, see Task outcome.
    11Select an input field from the Input Fields area to modify input field details. Input fields allow you to map dynamic roles to workflow tasks. Configure the properties in the Input Field Details area.
    The following table describes the input field properties:
    The input field name in the process.
    The input field description.
    The input field type.
    Indicates whether the input field is mandatory or not.
    Select the user role for the input field. When you select a role, only users configured for the selected role can perform the task. If Potential Owners and Stakeholders were assigned for the human tasks in the process, these users will be overridden by the roles that you select here.
    If the input field is mandatory, you must select a role.
    Roles that have the following privileges and permissions appear in this list:
    • - Participate in Change Approvals and Stakeholdership privileges.
    • - Create or Update permission for the asset type.
    For more information about the available features and asset permissions that the administrator can enable, see the Introduction and Getting Started help.
    You can also select Ticket Creator from the list of roles. A ticket creator is a user who starts the workflow ticket. If you assign ticket creator to a human task, when the workflow runs, Data Governance and Catalog identifies the user who created the ticket and assigns the human task to the user. The user must have at least the minimum required privileges to view and perform the human task.
    • - If you're assigning the Ticket Creator role to an input field of a workflow, ensure that the ticket creator is assigned as a stakeholder of the asset for which the ticket is raised.
    • - If you assign a user group as a stakeholder for an asset and assign the Ticket Creator role to an input field of a workflow, the ticket creator does not need to claim the task if the approver returns it. The task is assigned directly to the ticket creator.
    • - Ensure that you define a dedicated input field for stakeholder assignment in the Start step of the process and map the Stakeholders task role with the allStakeHolders input field for each human task configured in the process. Based on the roles you select in Metadata Command Center, ongoing tasks are visible to the respective stakeholders when the tasks are generated.
    • - Assign the "All Stakeholders" role to at least one of the input fields to ensure that associated stakeholders can view ongoing workflow tasks. The "All Stakeholders" role allows you to dynamically assign the stakeholders of a human task.
    • - If the input field is of Human Task Assignment type, map the input field to a role from the Roles list. Ensure that all Human Task Assignments are mandatory at the process level.
    • - Custom workflows do not consider users or roles configured as Stakeholders in a Human Task.
    Asset Attribute
    If the input field is of Text type, select "Asset Name" as the asset attribute for the input field. The name of the asset appears in the Workflow Inbox page, and you can search with the asset name in Data Governance and Catalog. Input fields of Text type are not mandatory at the process level.
    If the input field is mandatory, you must select an asset attribute.
    Note: This field appears only for input fields of Text type.
    12Click Save to save the workflow.

Task outcome

Configure task outcomes of a workflow in the Task Details area. In the Task Outcome list, select the value of the Lifecycle field that applies to the asset when the workflow user performs the task.
For example, if the workflow requires approval for creating an asset, you can configure the step to change the value of the Lifecycle field from "Draft" to "Published" when the approver approves the asset.
Select one of the following options:
No Change
No change to the Lifecycle field of the asset and the associated ticket remains in the "Open" status. This action is useful in multi-level workflows when multiple approvers need to approve the changes of an asset but don't want the asset lifecycle to change to Published until the last human task action.
Discard Draft
Discards the draft versions of an asset. If an asset was not previously published, as a result of the Discard Draft action, the Draft version of the asset is deleted permanently and the ticket is resolved. If the asset was previously published, as a result of the Discard Draft action, the Draft version of the asset is deleted and the ticket is resolved. The previously published copy of the asset remains in Data Governance and Catalog in the Published status.
Note: Informatica recommends that you select Discard Draft when the task action doesn't require a draft copy of the asset.
Changes the status of the asset to "Draft" and the asset becomes editable for the next task owner. The next task owner then has to perform the actions configured for the human task.
The associated tickets of the Draft asset will always be in the "Open" status. If the conclusive action of a workflow is Draft for any asset, the associated tickets will be open forever and they can't be reused. In such situations, the ticket creator or users with the Super Admin privilege can cancel the open ticket to start the workflow activity again for the same asset.
In Review
Changes the status of the asset to "In Review". The asset will be locked for editing by default for all stakeholders and its associated tickets will be in the "Open" status.
Note: After you start the workflow, the lifecycle status of the asset is "In Review".
Changes the status of the asset to "Published". If you select the task outcome as Publish for a human task that starts at the beginning of the workflow, the asset lifecycle status changes to "Published" and the associated ticket moves to the "Resolved" status.
Note: Informatica recommends that you map the task outcome of the last human task in a path to Publish. This is to ensure that the asset can only be published after all stakeholders for each human task in that path have responded.