Administration > Configure workflows > Predefined processes

Predefined processes

Informatica provides predefined processes in Application Integration that you can use instead of designing your own process. When you configure a workflow in Metadata Command Center, you can choose a predefined process or design a new process that meets your requirement. In a predefined process, the steps of the workflow are already configured.
Predefined processes are available as an add-on bundle called Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle in Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services Administrator. The bundle includes predefined processes that you can use to configure workflows for assets and events in Metadata Command Center. Download the Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle from Administrator.
The Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle contains the following processes:
You can use the bundle as a reference to create your own process, or copy the process to a project or a folder, configure an Administrator for all human tasks in the process, define the process based on your requirements, save, and then publish the processes in Application Integration. You can then use the processes that you published to configure workflows in Metadata Command Center.

Downloading and publishing predefined processes

Copy the bundle assets from the Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle available in Administrator to your project folder. Open the copied process in Application Integration, configure an Administrator for all human tasks in the predefined process, save, and then publish the process.
Note: If a user is assigned a designer role, then create a custom role with all privileges in the Human Tasks service and assign the custom role to the user to copy the Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle from Administrator to your project folder. For more information, see Minimum privileges to copy the Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle and to create processes with human tasks.
    1Log in to Informatica Intelligent Cloud Services.
    The My Services page appears.
    2Click Administrator.
    The following image shows the Administrator box on the My Services page:
    The My Services page with Administrator selected.
    3In Administrator, select Add-On Bundles.
    The Add-On Bundles page appears.
    4Click the Available Bundles tab.
    The Available Bundles tab lists the bundles you can copy.
    The following image shows the Available Bundles tab:
    The Available Bundles tab of the Add-On Bundles page with the bundles you can copy.
    5Type Data Governance and Catalog Workflow Bundle in the Find box.
    6Click the bundle name to open the Bundle Details page.
    7Click Copy Bundle Content to...
    8In the Browse dialog box, select the project or folder into which you want to copy the bundle contents.
    9Click Select.
    The assets in the bundle are copied to the selected project or folder.
    10Click Administrator on the menu.
    The My Services page appears.
    11Click Application Integration.
    The following image shows the Application Integration box on the My Services page:
    The My Services page with the Application Integration selected.
    12In Application Integration, on the Explore page, open the project or folder to which you copied the bundle contents.
    13Click the process name to open the Process Designer page.
    The following image shows the design of a predefined process:
    The Design tab of the selected process in Application Integration.
    14 Configure an Administrator for all human tasks in the predefined process. You can't start a workflow unless you configure an Administrator for all human tasks in the workflow.
    For more information, see Step 2. Defining task administrators .
    15Select each human task in the process to view the task details and ensure that the configured Administrator is updated.
    16Click Save to save the changes, and then click Publish.