Configure Data Quality > Configuring data enrichment > Configuring rule associations for data enrichment

Configuring rule associations for data enrichment

Configure rule associations to specify the type of data enrichment and data enhancement rules.
Before you configure rule associations, ensure that you have a custom Application Integration process to use with the Application Integration - Recommendation-based Enrichment plugin.
To configure rule associations for data enrichment, perform the following tasks:
    1To group related objectives, create an objective group.
    2Add an objective to the objective group.
    3To map input and output fields of data providers, add rule associations to the objective.
    1. aTo specify the data provider, add or create a data enhancement rule.
    2. bTo specify the fields or relationships to enrich, map input and output fields.

Step 1. Creating an objective group

You can create an objective group to group similar objectives. Group similar objectives to conveniently migrate all the related objectives and assets between organizations.
For example, if you use multiple objectives to update contact information in records, you can group them into an objective group.
    1Open the business entity that you want to enrich, and click Data Quality > Objective Groups.
    2Click Add Objective Group.
    3In the Objective Group dialog box, enter a name and internal ID for the objective group asset, select a folder, and save the objective group.
After you create an objective group, you can add objectives to the objective group.

Step 2. Adding objectives to an objective group

Create an objective that reflects a specific business goal for data enrichment.
    1Open the objective group that you want to add objectives to.
    2To create an objective, click Add Objective.
    3In the Properties panel, specify properties, such as name and description.
    4Enable the objective.
After you create an objective, add rule associations to the objective.

Step 3. Creating rule associations

Create a rule association to define an enrichment type and to map the input and output fields of the data provider with business entity fields or a hierarchy model.
Note: You can add only one rule association to an objective.
    1On the objective group page, select the objective for which you want to add a rule association.
    2In the Properties panel, click Create Rule Association.
    3In the Create Rule Association dialog box, enter the details for the rule association, and click OK.
    4On the Select Rule Association page, select or create a data enhancement rule.
    For more information about creating a data enhancement rule, see Creating a data enhancement rule.
    5Click Next.
    6On the Map Fields page, click the Input Mapping tab.
    7To specify the fields on which the rule association must run, map the business entity fields to the data provider fields.
    Note: To map a source field with a target field, select fields from the source and target panels, and click Map Selected.
    8Click the Output Mapping tab, and select a source system.
    9Map output fields to accomplish one of the enrichment use cases.
    10Save the rule association.

Creating a data enhancement rule

To configure an enrichment type, add a data enhancement rule and configure its parameters.
    1On the rule association page, click Add Data Enhancement Rule.
    2In the Add Data Enhancement Rule dialog box, enter the details of the rule, and click OK.
    3On the Data Enhancement Rule Settings page, select Application Integration - Recommendation-based Enrichment.
    4Specify an Application Integration process that is compatible with the plugin that you select.
    5To specify the data enrichment type, use the Accept and Reject parameters.
    1. aTo configure direct enrichment, enter 0 in the Accept Threshold and Reject Threshold fields.
    2. bTo display the information from the data provider as CLAIRE recommendations, specify the accept and reject thresholds with a value greater than 0.
    6To display confidence scores with the recommendations, specify the name of the output field for confidence scores in the Confidence Score Field field.
    You can obtain the field name from the Output Fields tab. If you don't specify the field name, CLARE doesn't display the confidence scores along with the recommendations.