After you extract the extension package, import the Customer 360 for Insurance assets to Customer 360. When you import the Customer 360 for Insurance assets, the import process overwrites the existing Customer 360 assets and your customization.
Note: Before you customize the Customer 360 data model, ensure that you import the extension assets.
You can import the following assets:
•Reference data tables
•Business entities with additional data model attributes
•Search layouts
•Updated business application
Note: Before you import the extension assets, ensure that you belong to the MDM Designer and Designer user roles, but not to the Admin user role.
To import the assets, perform the following tasks:
1Import the data model, pages, and source systems.
Import the data model changes related to the extension, the predefined custom pages, and the source systems.
Before you customize the Customer 360 data model, ensure that you import the extension assets.
Note: Before importing the data model, pages, and reference data assets, ensure that you are assigned to the Designer, MDM Designer, Reference 360 User, and Reference 360 Business Steward user roles, and not to the Admin user role.
1In Business 360 Console, click Explore > Import.
2Navigate to the following file:
<Extracted extension package>/
3Click Open.
4On the Import Assets page, ensure that all the assets are selected, and click Import.
5On the My Import/Export Logs page, verify whether the import job is successful.
Configuring the flat file connection
To access flat files from the Secure Agent, configure the flat file connection.
1In Administrator, click Connections.
2Click infac360ls_conn_flatfile.
3Verify the directory to store the flat file.
Default is C:\ReferenceData.
4Test the connection, and ensure that the connection is successful.
Configuring Customer 360 to process data from Salesforce
Configure Customer 360 to integrate Salesforce and Customer 360 and process the Salesforce records in Customer 360. You can process Salesforce records in batches or in real time. Import the assets into Customer 360 to ingress data from and egress data to Salesforce. You can configure the extension manually, or you can use guided assistance.
Note: Before you import the assets related to Salesforce, ensure that you import the data model related to the extension, the predefined custom pages, and the source system.
To configure Customer 360, perform the following tasks:
1Import the Cloud Data Integration assets related to Salesforce.
2Import the job assets.
3Import the Cloud Application Integration assets related to Salesforce.
4 Add a Secure Agent to the predefined Secure Agent group.
5Add the lookup files related to Salesforce in the Secure Agent machine.
6Import the parameter files.
7Configure the flat file connection.
8Configure the Business 360 FEP connector.
9Configure the Salesforce assets manually or using guided assistance.
Importing reference data assets
After you import the assets for the source systems that you plan to use, import reference data code values in bulk from CSV files into reference data assets.
The following table describes the files and folders in the extracted reference data directory:
File or Folder Name
The folder that contains the Insurance lookup code values folders.
Lookup code values are in the following folders:
- _1. Contains the parent lookup code values.
- _2. Contains the child lookup code values.
The folder that contains the code values folder with the name _1.
Python script to import reference data.
To import code values in bulk from CSV files that are available in the extracted reference data directory, run the Python script.
Before you import reference data into your system, ensure that you meet the prerequisites.
Complete the following prerequisite tasks:
•Ensure that you have permission to import reference data.
•Install Python version 3 or later on your machine.
•To verify whether the cURL library files are pre-installed and to check the cURL library version, run the following command from a command prompt:
curl --version
Note: If cURL isn't available in your operating system, ensure that you install it.
You can download the cURL library for your operating system from the cURL website:
Importing the reference data
To import all the reference data in bulk, run the Python script.
1Open a command prompt, and navigate to the following directory: