Importing reference data assets After you import data model assets, import reference data code values in bulk from CSV files into reference data assets.
The following table describes the files and folders in the extracted reference data directory:
File or Folder Name
Folder that contains the code values.
Contains the reference data set crosswalks.
Python script to import reference data.
The following table lists the reference data asset and the corresponding code list, crosswalk, and crosswalk location:
Reference Data Asset
Code List
Crosswalk Location
Language-Enterprise infap360mm_Language
Language-Enterprise infap360mm_Language to Enterprise Language
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/Crosswalk
For more information on crosswalks, see
Managing crosswalk .
To import code values in bulk from CSV files that are available in the extracted reference data directory, run the Python script.
To import data from SAP ECC and SAP S/4HANA into Reference 360 reference data sets, create import jobs in Reference 360.
For more information about creating import jobs, see
Creating import jobs in Reference 360 .
To load data, Reference 360 uses the English language filter by default. To filter by a language other than English, you can configure the language from the query options in the source field.
For more information about configuring the source, see
Configuring the source .
The following table lists the reference data assets and the corresponding code value location:
Reference Data Asset
Code Value File Location
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/_1/infap360mm_IndustrySector
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/_1/infap360mm_Language
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/_1/infap360mm_MaterialGroupPackagingMaterials
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/_1/infap360mm_MaterialType
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/_1/infap360mm_UOM
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data/_1/infap360mm_WeightUOM
Prerequisites Before you import reference data into MDM SaaS , ensure that you complete the following prerequisite tasks:
• Ensure that you have permission to import reference data.• Install Python version 3 or later on your machine.• To verify whether the cURL library files are preinstalled and to check the cURL library version, run the following command from a command prompt:curl --version
Note: If cURL isn't available in your operating system, ensure that you install it.
You can download the cURL library for your operating system from the cURL website:
Importing the reference data To import all the reference data in bulk, run the Python script.
1 Open a command prompt, and navigate to the following directory:
<Extracted extension package>/Reference Data
2 Run the following command:
- On Windows.python --podHostName <POD host name> --userName <user name> --password <password> --region <POD region>
- On Linux.python3 --podHostName <POD host name> --userName <user name> --password <password> --region <POD region>
The jobs to import reference data code values run.
3 To monitor the status of a job, click My Jobs in Reference 360.
The My Jobs page lists the job instances that are currently running, failed, and successfully completed.