User Guide > Dashboards and Widgets > Sharing Dashboards

Sharing Dashboards

You can share a dashboard with other users in your organization. When you choose to share a dashboard, Axon shares the dashboard and all the widgets in it with the receivers.
You can share a dashboard that you created. When you share the dashboard with all users, You cannot share the default My Dashboard with other users.
Some widgets in a dashboard are based on free text, while other widgets are based on your saved searches. When you share a dashboard, Axon manages the two types of widgets differently. If your shared dashboard contains widgets based on free text, Axon replicates the widget and the text in the receiver's shared dashboard. If your shared dashboard contains widgets based on your saved searches, you can specify whether you want to share the saved searches with the receiver.
To share the saved searches of dashboard widgets with other users or modify sharing options, see the Share Dashboard with Other Users topic. To manage and share saved searches, see the Saving and Sharing Searches topic.

Share Dashboard with Other Users

You can share the dashboard that you created. To view and share dashboards, the Admin or SuperAdmin user must enable the display of dashboards from the Admin Panel.
    1. In the Axon home page, go to the dashboard that you created and want to share.
    2. Click the Actions menu.
    3. Click Modify Sharing.
    4. In the Modify Sharing dialog box, choose one of the following sharing options:
    Share with public
    Share the dashboard that you created with all users in your organization. After the dashboard is made public, users that are logged in and users that are not logged in can view the dashboard. If the saved searches used in the dashboard widgets are not public, you can choose to make them public by selecting the Make searches used in the dashboard widgets public. option.
    Only Admin and SuperAdmin users can view this option and make dashboards public.
    Share with selected users
    Specify the users that you want to share the dashboard, or select from the dropdown list. To view the list of the users with whom the dashboard is currently shared, select Show shared list.
    Select the Share searches used in the dashboard widgets option if you want to share the saved searches for the widgets with other users. This option does not apply to widgets that are based on free text.
    Note: If you clear Share searches used in the dashboard widgets before sharing the dashboard, Axon does not add the saved search to the My Searches list on the Unison search page of the receiver. The widget appears as blank in the receiver's dashboard. If you previously shared the saved searches with the receiver, you can clear this check box before sharing the dashboard. In such cases, Axon populates the widgets in the shared dashboard by retrieving data from the saved Unison search of the receiver.
    Stop sharing
    Stop sharing the dashboard. If the dashboard is already shared with some users, the dashboard is removed from their view. However, the shared searches remain in the Searches Shared With Me page.
    5. Click Save.

Receive Dashboard Shared by Other Users

You can add a dashboard that is shared by other users to your Axon home page. For example, the data governance office in your organization might share a dashboard with all team members to monitor the status of a specific compliance program. You can use this dashboard to see the status of the program and collaborate with other users.
If a dashboard is shared with all the users by making it public, the shared dashboard appears as a separate tab by default to the users. To add the dashboard that is shared using the Share with selected users option, click the Actions menu of the Axon home page, hover the mouse over the Choose Dashboards option and select the shared dashboard.
If a user has shared a dashboard or stopped sharing a dashboard with you, Axon sends you an email notification.
If a shared dashboard contains widgets that are based on saved searches, Axon adds the saved searches to the Searches Shared With Me tab of your Manage Searches page. To manage your saved searches, see the Saving and Sharing Searches topic.
Note: Shared dashboards are read-only for the receivers. If you have received a shared dashboard, you cannot add, delete, or reorder the widgets in it. However, if you delete the saved search for a widget in a shared dashboard, the widget appears as blank.

Edit a Shared Dashboard

If you edit a dashboard that is shared with other users, Axon replicates the changes to the dashboard of all receivers.
    1. In the Axon home page, go to the shared dashboard that you want to modify.
    2. Edit the dashboard by adding, deleting, or reordering the widgets.
    3. To modify the title or description of the widget, click the Actions menu, and select Edit Dashboard.
    4. Click OK.
Axon updates the receiver's dashboard with the changes that you make. If you add a widget based on a saved search, Axon adds the new saved search to the Searches Shared With Me tab of the receiver's Manage Searches page. If you remove a widget, Axon removes the widget from the receiver's dashboard, but does not remove the saved search from the receiver's Manage Searches page. For more information on managing saved searches, see the Saving and Sharing Searches topic.

Delete a Shared Dashboard

If you delete a dashboard that is shared with other users, Axon removes the dashboard from the receivers' home pages.
Each receiver of the shared dashboard receives an email notifying that the dashboard is removed. When the receiver goes to the Axon home page, or reloads the Axon home page, the dashboard is removed.