Supplier Portal

It is possible for suppliers and brokers to access ECCnet from Product 360 - Supplier Portal in order to maintain ECCnet items of their catalogs.

In order to use this functionality, Product 360 - Supplier Portal has to be configured respectively.

Configure ECCnet access for a supplier

If you are a portal administrator, you will be able to grant ECCnet access to suppliers and brokers acting for these suppliers. The ECCnet access is configured in the Supplier Details view. Click the Edit button in the Configuration for ECCnet access section.


Select the Accessing ECCnet enabled option in the emerging dialog and Save your changes.


Access ECCnet

When ECCnet access is granted to a supplier, the supplier's users should be able to access ECCnet via the Search ECCnet button in the navigation area.


If the ECCnet functionality is not configured in auto-login mode, the user will have to enter his login credentials for ECCnet before he gets to the ECCnet search view. In the ECCnet search view he can: