Application modules for ECCnet

A module can be seen as business functionality which can be enabled or disabled. The property file located in the configuration folder of the server allows to enable / disable different GDSN and ECCnet scenarios and the food and beverage module. When activated, the corresponding perspectives, views and other things like reports and export datatypes are available for the user to import/maintain/export food and beverage, GDSN or ECCnet data.

By default "GDSN", "ECCnet" as well as "FoodAndBeverage" are set to "false" and must be activated during the accelerator installation (food and beverage only if needed).

The food and beverage module can be used independently of GDSN or ECCnet.

If ECCnet is used GDSN settings must be set to false.

An example for the file is given in the screenshot below.


Please also note that if ECCnet should be used, of course the corresponding ECCnet plugins need to be installed in the client and server.