Configure ECCnet access from Product 360 - Supplier Portal

It is possible for suppliers and brokers to access ECCnet from Product 360 - Supplier Portal in order to maintain ECCnet items of their catalogs. Thereto, Product 360 - Supplier Portal needs to be configured respectively. Further on a Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet system user needs to be created in Product 360 with respective permissions. This will be explained in the following sections.

Configure Product 360 - Supplier Portal

In order to enable ECCnet access from Product 360 - Supplier Portal the following settings in the file need to be adjusted:



Global switch to enable/disable the ECCnet access from Supplier Portal.
Possible values:

  • ENABLED: ECCnet access is enabled. This means that by default ECCnet access is enabled for newly created suppliers. However, the portal administrator can revoke ECCnet access from the supplier.

  • RESTRICTED: ECCnet access is available, but by default ECCnet access is disabled for newly created suppliers. However, the portal administrator can give ECCnet access to the supplier.

  • DISABLED: ECCnet access is disabled for the whole Supplier portal.



Configures not only Item Editor/Item Viewer but also ECCnet access UI to be opened within Supplier Portal or in a separate browser tab.
Possible values:

  • true: UI to search in ECCnet will be opened within the same browser tab in which the ECCnet button has been clicked.

  • false: UI to search in ECCnet will be opened in a separate browser tab.

Default: false

Configure Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User

Product 360 - Supplier Portal uses the Product 360 Web functionality to access ECCnet. Thereto, Product 360 - Supplier Portal requires the credentials of a user belonging to a user group with respective permissions.

Create user group for Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User

  1. In the Organization perspective of the Product 360 Desktop client, create a new user group.

  2. Grant at least the following action rights to the user group:

Rights group


Web Permissions

Log in (Product 360 - Web)


ECCnet, general access


Supplier catalogs, general access


Items, general access

Item search

Item search management, general access


Canada-specific GDSN data, general access

3. Revoke the following rights for this group:

Rights group


Web Permissions

Classify objects (Product 360 - Web)

Web Permissions

Help (Product 360 - Web)

Web Permissions

Change Password


Create tasks

Multimedia attachments

Add multimedia attachments

All other action rights not mentioned above, as well as all field rights have to be defined individuality depending on the scenario and requirements of the project and the individual use case scenarios

4. Grant at least the following interface visibility rights to the user group:



Web Context

Context visibility: Entire Context selection area

Web Context

Context visibility: ECCnet (Web Access)

5. Revoke at least the following interface visibility rights:



Web Tab

Tab visibility: Product, Variant, References (Product 360 - Web)

Web List Definition

List Definition visibility: of Structuregroup, Product, Variants: Default, Full, Short

All other interface visibility rights not mentioned above, as well as all field rights have to be defined individuality depending on the scenario and requirements of the project and the individual use case scenarios

Create Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User

  1. In the User perspective of the Product 360 Desktop client, create a new user.

  2. Assign this user to the user group created in the previous step.

  3. Make sure that the user is active (Active checkbox must be checked for the user in the User view).

  4. Set the user's Authentication mode to Internal.

Configure Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User within Product 360 - Web

The credentials of the Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User created in the previous step have to be specified in the file of the Product 360 server, now. Thereto, configure the following properties:



User name of the Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User

e.g. web.client.hsx.eccnet.login=eccnet

Password of the Product 360 - Supplier Portal ECCnet System User

If you want to encrypt the password please refer to chapter Encryption of secure information in the Server Installation manual.