Authentication cookie
Informatica Product 360 Media Manager Web use Tomcat as servlet container. Tomcat use a cookie called JSESSIONID for session handling.
To secure the JSESSIONID cookie the following attributes are set by default and can be adjusted if necessary:
cookie attribute |
default value |
configuration file |
parameter |
Notes |
HttpOnly |
true |
OpasGWebServer\Tomcat\webapps\opas\WEB-INF\web.xml |
< web -app> < session -config> < cookie -config> < http -only>true</ http -only> </ cookie -config> </ session -config> </ web -app> |
Secure |
false |
OpasGWebServer\Tomcat\webapps\opas\WEB-INF\web.xml |
< web -app> < session -config> < cookie -config> < secure >false</ secure > </ cookie -config> </ session -config> </ web -app> |
Value can be changed to true if the application is only used with https. Value needs to be false as long as the application is used with http. |
SameSite |
strict |
OpasGWebServer\Tomcat\webapps\opas\META-INF\context.xml |
< Context > < CookieProcessor sameSiteCookies = "strict" /> </ Context > |
Value needs to be change if the application should be integrated in other web applications. |