Save last selected structure per perspective


The selected structure will be saved per perspective. Therefor the default structure preferences "primary structure tree" and "secondary structure tree" are not any longer located in the client.
There are following preferences to define the default structure in the server. So far a user was able to define a default structure for his client. This function got replaced by the server preference.

Changes in the plugin_customization.ini of server

Added new preferences to define the default structure of a client. By default none is loading.

  • com.heiler.ppm.structure.server/primaryStructureIdentifier

  • com.heiler.ppm.structure.server/secondaryStructureIdentifier

How to add this functionality in an own structure based view

Your own class has to implement StdViewPart.

Overwrite the perspectiveActivatedAdditionalAction method which will be called after a perspective got activated

Overwrite the postOpened method. It will be called when the view is being newly opened in the page (it is being created).