Export - Immediate Export

This is a short guide on the use and configuration of the immediate export


This document is intended for consultants which want additional information about specific configurations of regarding the immediate export purpose. The reader should be familiar with the export and its capabilities and functions.

This document contains more technical details which are useful for a deeper understanding of immediate export templates.

What is the Immediate Export?

As a PIM User I want to update the web shop for specific items from a catalog in the PIM system because those items got changed. Furthermore I don't want to wait for the regularly scheduled export job to update those data.
The Immediate export's strengths are to execute export on selectable data. This way it's very handy to interact on different changes.

The Immediate Export purpose defines export format templates which are available on the context menu of the explorer. By default it's available for item, product, variant and structure groups explorer. You can also run an export format template directly.

You can find the executed immediate export at "Export operations (one-off)" in the process overview.


The "Generate immediate export" context menu is offered in all activated entities of the repository (find more details on how to configure the repository in the documentation of the repository).
Via right click of one or a multiple selection of objects the context menu displays all available immediate export templates for the type of selected objects. You need the "Run export" action right for being able to use this function.

The immediate export templates are specialized templates:

  • Purpose
    If you want to use an export template as immediate export template you have to set the purpose value to "Available for immediate export". These templates are still available for normal exports and quality checks.

  • Data Source
    The data source specifies the object type an immediate export template is available for. It has to be a kind of an object list. The "Catalog" and the optional "Assortment" parameter have to be editable. Those parameters will get filled by the selection.

Currently, there's a bug regarding item assortment parameters. You have to mark the mandatory "Catalog" parameter as editable if you want to use the optional "Assortment" parameter. Otherwise the export generation aborts with an exception.

How can I see that the immediate export template is valid?

The immediate export template is valid if:

  • it has no errors

  • it is classified as immediate export template

  • a data source is set

How to change visibility of immediate export on specific elements

By default immediate export are available for items, products, variants and structure groups.

How to change visibility
For removing or adding the immediate export on elements you need to modify the repository.



You can change the visibility of all available immediate export templates in the context menu with this flag. If more objects has been selected there won't be any immediate export template shown in the "Generate immediate export" context menu.

# Export immediate export settings
# - limit maximum object count a immediate export is allowed to be created for
# Maximum count of objects a immediate export creation is allowed for
# default: 1000000
# directExport.maximumObjectCount=1000000


The Export Purpose property of entities is used for activate or deactivate the context menu. For enabling/disabling the "Generate immediate export" context menu, you have to add/subtract the "Available for immediate export" bit flag.

By default it's available for the entities item, product, variants and structure group.

Database change

The kind of data source used by a specific immediate export template is saved in the table "GenericData" column "EntityIdentifier2".

If it's NULL there's no data source selected and the template won't get shown in any "Generate immediate export" context menu.