Configuration Example for

The following code block indicates a configuration example in for PIM

### Settings for assignment of Media Portal asset to HPM catalog data
### -- Assignment by Reference and Auto Assignment
# ---------------------------------------------
# The following settings for assignment have to be defined individually in supplier and master catalogs.
# --------------------
# - Master catalog
# A mode(value: NONSUPPORT, AUTO or REFERENCE) for assigment must be chosen:
# 1. NONSUPPORT: supports neither automatic assignment nor resolving the imported file path
# 2. AUTO: supports automatic assignment via the encoded file name
# 3. REFERENCE: supports resolving the imported file path
# The default value of this setting for Master catalog is AUTO.
# ----------
# Parameters of auto assignment for Master catalog:
# only by assignmentMode "AUTO" all parameters of auto assignment will be used, otherweis ignored.
# The character which is used to separate components of information of file name (excluding the "." and the file's suffix)
# Predefinition for object type: if no default value is defined, then the index must be given.
# ObjectType is the type of repository object the identifier refers to. In the master catalog of the standard HPM this could be "Product", "Variant", "Article"
# (Auto assignment to "StructureGroup" is not supported by the current version), and at the same time only one ObjectType can be defined for auto assignment.
# The entity identifier of the repository has to be provided.
# Predefinition for object Identifier: the index of object Identifier must be predefined.
# ObjectIdentifier: the alphanumeric, unique identifier of the object the document should be assigned to.
# This identifier is valid for the type of objects given and within the context in which the
# notification works (a catalog for products or items)
# predefinition for media Asset type: if no default value is defined, then the index must be given.
# Media asset type: is used to qualify the Media Asset linked with the object specified
# Predefinition for media Asset language: if no default value is defined, then the index must be given.
# Media Asset Language: is used to qualify the Media Asset linked with the object specified.
# e.g. "de", "deu", "ger" or "7" in case of German
# The following parameter should be set only if the corresponding MediaAsset Field and the media asset map logical key are activated, otherwise it will be ignored.
# predefinition for media Asset priority: a default value must be predefined and only a numerical value is allowed.
# Media asset priority: is used to qualify the Media Asset linked with the object specified
MasterCatalog.autoAssignment.defaultValue.mediaAssetPriority= 1
# ----------
# Parameters of reference assignment for Master catalog:
# Only by assignmentMode "REFERENCE" all parameters of reference assignment will be used, otherweis ignored.
# The following 4 types of reference path can appear in Product Manager system.
# 1) /1234/test.jpg -- path includes only slash and starts with slash
# 2) \1234\test.jpg -- path includes only backslash and starts with backslash
# 3) 1234/test.jpg -- path includes only slash and does not start with slash
# 4) 1234\test.jpg -- path includes only backslash and does not start with backslash
# The order which type will be preferred resolved.
# The above-named 4 types will be consecutively resolved according to the following order, the different type should be separated with semicolon.
# Specifies if the further types should be resolved, after a type is matched.
# values:
# true --> stop further resolution, because one type is matched.
# false --> resolve all types which are defined in "MasterCatalog.referenceAssignment.orderOfResolve", even if a type is matched.
# --------------------
# - Supplier catalog
# A mode(value: NONSUPPORT, AUTO or REFERENCE) for assigment must be chosen:
# 1. NONSUPPORT: supports neither automatic assignment nor resolving the imported file path
# 2. AUTO: supports automatic assignment via the encoded file name
# 3. REFERENCE: supports resolving the imported file path
# The default value of this setting for Supplier catalog is REFERENCE.
# ----------
# Parameters of auto assignment for SUPPLIER catalog
# Only by assignmentMode "AUTO" all parameters of auto assignment will be used, otherweis ignored.
# The character which is used to separate components of information of file name (excluding the "." and the file's suffix)
# Predefinition for object type: if no default value is defined, then the index must be given.
# ObjectType is the type of repository object the identifier refers to. In the supplier catalog of the standard HPM this could be "Article",
# (Auto assignment to "StructureGroup" is not supported by the current version), and at the same time only one ObjectType can be defined for auto assignment.
# The entity identifier of the repository has to be provided.
# Predefinition for object Identifier: the index of object Identifier must be predefined.
# ObjectIdentifier: the alphanumeric, unique identifier of the object the document should be assigned to.
# This identifier is valid for the type of objects given and within the context in which the
# notification works (a catalog for products or items)
# predefinition for media Asset type: if no default value is defined, then the index must be given.
# Media asset type: is used to qualify the Media Asset linked with the object specified
# Predefinition for media Asset language: if no default value is defined, then the index must be given.
# Media Asset Language: is used to qualify the Media Asset linked with the object specified.
# e.g. "de", "deu", "ger" or "7" in case of German
# The following parameter should be set only if the corresponding MediaAsset Field and the media asset map logical key are activated, otherwise it will be ignored.
# predefinition for media Asset priority: a default value must be predefined and only a numerical value is allowed.
# Media asset priority: is used to qualify the Media Asset linked with the object specified
# SupplierCatalog.autoAssignment.defaultValue.mediaAssetPriority= 1
# ----------
# Parameters of reference assignment for Supplier catalog:
# Only by assignmentMode "REFERENCE" all parameters of reference assignment will be used, otherweis ignored.
# The following 4 types of reference path can appear in Product Manager system.
# 1) /1234/test.jpg -- path includes only slash and starts with slash
# 2) \1234\test.jpg -- path includes only backslash and starts with backslash
# 3) 1234/test.jpg -- path includes only slash and does not start with slash
# 4) 1234\test.jpg -- path includes only backslash and does not start with backslash
# The order which type will be preferred resolved.
# The above-named 4 types will be consecutively resolved in line with the following order, the different type should be separated with semicolon.
# Specifies if the further types should be resolved, after a type is matched.
# values:
# true --> stop further resolution, because one type is matched.
# false --> resolve all types which are defined in "SupplierCatalog.referenceAssignment.orderOfResolve", even if a type is matched.
# ---------------------------------------------
# The following common settings for assignment are defined for supplier and master catalogs.
# --------------------
# Paramters not only for the auto assignment but also for the reference assignment
# Paramter for the assignment by which the media assets are firstly uploaded in Media Manager then the catalog information is imported in PIM Core
# Turn on or off the post import mode for auto assignment and reference assignment
# --------------------
# Paramters for the auto assignment
# Defines the objectFinder which will find the corresponding PIM object(s) to be assigned with the media asset.
# The identifier of desired objectFinder is defined in its plugin.xml, see the Extension point com.heiler.ppm.mediaasset.server.opasg.objectFinder.
# Default identifier is standardCaseInsensitiveObjectFinder, if an objectFinder with case sensitive is desired, please use "standardCaseSensitiveObjectFinder"
# Furthermore, the customer can define his own Extention of objectFinder, and then the following setting should be replaced with the corresponding extention identifier.
AutoAssignment.objectFinder = standardCaseInsensitiveObjectFinder
# Defines the assigner which will be used to perform the auto assignment to the found PIM object(s).
# The identifier of desired assigner is defined in its plugin.xml, see the Extension point com.heiler.ppm.mediaasset.server.opasg.assigner.
# Default identifier is standardAssigner.
# Furthermore, the customer can define his own Extention of assigner, and then the following setting should be replaced with the corresponding extention identifier.
AutoAssignment.assigner = standardAssigner
# --------------------
# Paramters for the reference assignment by which the media assets are firstly uploaded in HMM then the catalog information is imported in HPM
# If more items (may be products, items or variants) than this threshold of whole catalog have changed media asset documents,
# Media Portal will be asked to return the assets information of the whole catalog, otherwise only the information about the corresponding assets.
ReferenceAssignment.postImportMode.fetchWholeCatalogPercentage =100
# Paramters for the reference assignment to structureGroup
# Turn on or off reference assignment(auto path resolution) for structureGroup.
# If it is true, and one of the above MasterCatalog.assignmentMode and SupplierCatalog.assignmentMode is set as REFERENCE,
# then an auto path resolution for StructureGroup will be considered, otherweise it will be ignored.
ReferenceAssignment.resolveForStructureGroup =false