Introduction to survivorship
Key survivorship concepts
Source ranking
Source last updated date
Block survivorship
Deduplication criteria
Dynamic fields survivorship
Survivorship for a dynamic field definitions attribute
Survivorship for a dynamic field values attribute
Order of execution for survivorship configuration
Configuring survivorship
Rules and guidelines for survivorship
Step 1. Select objects
Step 2. Rank source systems
Step 3. Configure survivorship rules
Adding deduplication criteria
Viewing survivorship configuration of attributes
Editing survivorship rules
Editing identical survivorship configurations
Select the fields with identical survivorship configurations
Edit identical survivorship rules simultaneously
Edit identical source rankings simultaneously
Clearing survivorship configuration
Examples of survivorship
Source records
Survivorship based on default source ranking
Survivorship based on deduplication
Survivorship based on source ranking with block survivorship on the field group
Survivorship based on deduplication on nested field group with block survivorship on the nested field group
Survivorship based on source ranking and deduplication with block survivorship on the nested field group
Survivorship based on the minimum survivorship rule
Survivorship based on deduplication with block survivorship on the nested field group and minimum survivorship rule
Survivorship based on deduplication and block survivorship on the nested field group with minimum survivorship rule
Introduction to survivorship
Survivorship based on deduplication and block survivorship on the nested field group with minimum survivorship rule
Identical _Source ranking