Detail Tabs Navigation and Configuration
Easy navigation through a long list of detail tabs using tab list dropdown and integrated filter.
Changing the tab positions by drag and drop of the tabs.
Detail tab visibility configuration to hide detail tabs.
Tab list with filter
A dropdown button is situated in the top-left of the tab sheet for all the detail views. On clicking, it lists all the visible detail tabs in alphabetical order along with a filter to easily search and navigate to the required tab.
User can navigate through the tab list using the "UP" and "DOWN" arrow keys and close the dropdown by pressing "Esc".
Change tab positions by drag and drop
A more convenient way to change the tab position by just dragging it to the preferred location. Tab positions are stored in the browser local storage as well.
Configure tab visibility
A tab configuration popup that gets open when clicked on the last entry of the tab list drop down
. This popup lists all the detail tabs alphabetically with the corresponding checkbox for the tab visibility.
An integrated filter allows users to search for the required tab easily and modify visibility.
OK - Updates all the changes that were made after opening the "Configure tabs" popup.
CANCEL - Discard all the changes done after the last saved state.
RESET - Makes all the detail tabs visible and restores tab positions from the corresponding tab's
Permission to control tab visibility configuration
"Customize tabs" permission removed
Revoking the "Customize tabs" permission will change the following:
"Configure Tabs" option in the tab list drop down will not be visible
User can still drag and drop the tab positions
Browser local storage will be ignored for the visible tabs
Browser local storage will not be ignored for the reordering of tabs
If a user-group had this right for some time and then got revoked, browser local storage will be cleared and further cookie storage will be ignored for the visible tabs.