Application Metrics Dashboard
Job Framework Metrics
Monitoring of current state of job executions.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Canceled |
job_canceled |
The amount of canceled jobs |
Completed |
job_completed |
The amount of completed jobs |
Queued |
job_queued |
The amount of qeued jobs |
Running |
job_running |
The amount of running jobs |
Data Quality Metrics
Statistics to monitor the various DQ mapping and rule executions.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Mapping Execution |
dataQuality_executing |
The amount of Data Quality rules currently executing by the system |
Mapping Executor Creation |
dataQuality_executor_creation |
The amount of Data Quality Mapping Executors created by the system |
Mapping Execution Wait |
dataQuality_waiting |
The amount of time the Mapping Executors had to wait for a free execution slot |
Service API Metrics
Metrics for REST services for CRUD operations on entity items defined in the repository.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
HTTP Requests |
httpRequest |
The amount of HTTP requests |
HTTP Responses |
httpResponse_list |
The amount of objects in the HTTP response |
Persistence Metrics
Metrics for various persistence resources and service groups.
The global persistence filters include both EntityType and Entity from the repository.
Persistence metrics for loading of single business objects.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
DataGraph - ConvertToByte[] |
dataGraph_convertFromByteArray |
The amount of datagraph models (i.e. a single business object) deserialised |
DataGraph - ConvertFromByte[] |
dataGraph_convertToByteArray |
The amount of datagraph models (i.e. a single business object) serialised |
DataGraph - LoadHin |
dataGraph_loadHint_integrated |
The amount of datagraph models (i.e. a single business object) read from the database |
DataGraph - Stored |
dataGraph_stored |
The amount of datagraph models (i.e. a single business object) stored to the database |
Detail Model Metrics
The Detail Model is the business object representation of a single object (e.g. a single item).
A high load count is an indication that the application is loading a lot of single objects, while a high save count is an indication that the application is modifying a lot of single objects.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Detail Model Load |
detailModel_load |
The amount of detail models (i.e. a full business entity) read from the database |
Detail Model Save |
detailModel_save |
The amount of detail models (i.e. a full business entity) stored to the database |
Persistence Manager
The PersistenceManager is the instance responsible for retrieving the business objects from the persistence store.
For example creating a new item will show up as PersistenceManager - Create , while loading an existing item will show up as PersistenceManager - Load.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
PersistenceManager Create |
persistenceManager_create |
The amount of top level business entities created by the system |
PersistenceManager Delete |
persistenceManager_delete |
The amount of top level business entities deleted by the system |
PersistenceManager Read |
persistenceManager_load |
The amount of top level business entities loaded by the system |
PersistenceManager Write |
persistenceManager_save |
The amount of top level business entities saved by the system |
Mediator / Sub-Mediator
Mediators / Sub-Mediators are responsible for directly reading, writing and deleting Entity/ Sub-Entity data from the database.
For example creating a new item will show up as Mediator/ SubMediator - Write, while loading an existing item will show up as Mediator/ SubMediator - Read.
Sub-Mediator metrics are disabled by default to prevent excessive writes to the elastic search index. If required for debugging purposes, these metrics can be enabled by setting the corresponding log4j.xml entry to "INFO"
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Mediator Delete Hard |
mediator_delete_hard |
The amount of root entity hard delete operations |
Mediator Delete Soft |
mediator_delete_soft |
The amount of root entity soft delete operations |
Mediator Read |
mediator_read |
The amount of root entity load operations |
Mediator Write |
mediator_write |
The amount of root entity save operations |
SubMediator Delete Hard |
submediator_delete_hard |
The amount of sub entity hard (physical) delete operations |
SubMediator Delete Soft |
submediator_delete_soft |
The amount of sub entity soft delete operations |
SubMediator Read |
submediator_read |
The amount of sub entity load operations |
SubMediator Write |
submediator_write |
The amount of sub entity save operations |
Database Tables Statistics
The actual amount of rows of all configured database tables are available as metrics.
Since counting the rows of all tables in real time would be a very expensive operation, the row count is actually being read directly from the database statistics itself. The query which is being used to fetch the row count from the database statistics will be executed in a five minute interval, i.e. counters will be updated every five minutes. While Microsoft SQL Server usually has auto-update statistics, the statistics on Oracle databases usually must be refreshed periodically.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Database Table Size |
db_table_size |
The amount of rows currently residing in the specified database table |
Please note that for performance reasons this metric is being queried from the database statistics, so the real value could be different.
Message Queue Statistics
Metrics to monitor the reliability and resilience of message delivery in Service API, Data Quality and BPM message queues.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Messages Read |
queue_messages_read |
The amount of messages read from the message queue |
Messages Read Successfully |
queue_messages_read_success |
The amount of messages successfully read from the message queue |
Messages Read Error |
queue_messages_read_error |
The amount of messages read with error from the message queue |
Messages Write |
queue_messages_write |
The amount of messages written to the message queue |
Messages Write Error |
queue_messages_write_error |
The amount of messages failed to write to the message queue |
Audit trail Metrics
Statistics to monitor the Audit trail component.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Audit trail search |
auditTrail_searchService_search |
timer measuring the average time taken for audit trail search |
Audit trail create (Bulk) |
auditTrailIndexService_bulkCreate |
timer measuring bulk creations in the audit trail index |
Audit trail update (Bulk) |
auditTrailIndexService_bulkUpdate |
timer measuring bulk updates to the audit trail index |
Audit trail create |
auditTrailIndexService_create |
timer measuring individual creations in the audit trail index |
Audit trail update |
auditTrailIndexService_update |
timer measuring updates to the audit trail index |
Trigger Service Metrics
Metrics to monitor successful firing off triggers.
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Trigger Rejections |
triggerService.rejectedAsExecutorServiceFull |
It is the counter for number of requests that are directed to Trigger Rejection policy as Trigger executor service is under high load. |
Discarded Triggers |
triggerService.discardedAsNonJobThread |
It is the counter for number of trigger execution requests that are discarded as trigger service is under high load and this request is initiated from UI/OTHER initiator module. So these are the triggers that will be fired from trigger watchdog. |
Watchdog Triggers |
triggerService_pickedByTriggerWatchdog |
Counter for number of triggers that are picked for firing by trigger watchdog |
attemptedToFire |
triggerService.attemptedToFire |
Counter for number of triggers firing attempts made by Trigger Service |
triggerFireFailed |
triggerService.triggerFireFailed |
Counter for number of trigger firing attempts that failed |
Import Metrics
Metrics pertaining import jobs.
Please note import Statistics are only available from Product 360 10.1 HF1 onwards
Metric Name |
Metric Key |
Description |
Import - Items Persisted |
importer_persistence_item |
The amount of items persisted to the database during the import |
Import - Storage Get |
importer_storage_get |
The amount of objects retrieved from the import persistence model |
Import - Storage Put |
importer_storage_put |
The amount of objects stored to the import persistence model |
Import - Job Finished |
importer_job_finished |
The amount of finished import jobs |
Import - Job Processing |
importer_job_processed |
The amount of currently active import jobs |