Secure Agent services
Setting custom environment variables
API Microgateway Service
Editing the API Microgateway Service properties
Enabling the API Microgateway Service in a Secure Agent or a Secure Agent group
CMI Streaming Agent
CMI Streaming Agent properties
Common Integration Components
Common Integration Components properties
Data Access Management Agent service
Compatible database drivers
Data Access Management Agent service properties
Data Access Management Proxy service
Data Access Management Proxy service properties
Database Ingestion service
Database Ingestion service properties
Database Ingestion Agent environment variables
Data Integration Server
Data Integration Server resiliency
Data Integration Server properties
Creating the OSProfileUserMappingFile
Setting the OSProfileScriptForTaskExecution
Data Integration Server upgrades
Elastic Server
Elastic Server properties
Elastic Server concurrency
File Integration Service
Local repository base directory
GitRepoConnectApp properties
IDMC Data Gateway Service
IDMC Data Gateway Service properties
Mass Ingestion (Files)
Metadata Foundation Application
Metadata Foundation Application properties
Metadata Platform Service
Metadata Platform Service properties
Process Server
Process Server properties
Default connection database properties
Logging levels
Configuring a separate logging data source
Process Server sizing recommendations
Communication with the Secure Agent
Secure Agent configurations for Process Server
Deploy to a single Secure Agent
Deploy to a Secure Agent group
Prerequisites for PostgreSQL database installation and upgrade
Managing the PostgreSQL database on Windows
Backing up the PostgreSQL database on Windows
Restoring the PostgreSQL database on Windows
Resetting the PostgreSQL database on Windows
Starting the PostgreSQL server on Windows
Stopping the PostgreSQL server on Windows
Getting the PostgreSQL server status on Windows
Vacuuming the PostgreSQL database on Windows
Reindexing the PostgreSQL database on Windows
Resetting transaction logs on Windows
Managing the PostgreSQL database on Linux
Backing up the PostgreSQL database on Linux
Restoring the PostgreSQL database on Linux
Resetting the PostgreSQL database on Linux
Starting the PostgreSQL server on Linux
Stopping the PostgreSQL server on Linux
Getting the PostgreSQL server status on Linux
Vacuuming the PostgreSQL database on Linux
Reindexing the PostgreSQL database on Linux
Resetting transaction logs on Linux
Upgrading the PostgreSQL database
Upgrading the PostgreSQL database using the replication technique
PostgreSQL configuration files
Configuring PostgreSQL log rotation
Configuring public certificates and private keys for Process Server
Configuring thread pool profile to improve throughput
Overriding properties in the platform.yaml file
Creating a custom user-platform.yaml file
Configuring Secure Agent service properties
Secure Agent services
Configuring Secure Agent service properties