Before you Begin
Tutorial Objectives
Create and Invoke the Order Management Process
Step 1: Import a Service Connector and Connection
Step 2: Create A New Process
Step 3: Get Inventory Details
Step 4: Configure Output
Step 5: Invoke the Process
Connect to a Margin Service
Step 1: Create a Service Connector to the Margin Service
Step 2: Create a Connection
Modify the Process to Add the Margin Details Service
Step 1: Add a Temporary Field
Step 2: Assign Values
Step 3: Configure the Process to Get Margin Details
Connect to an Email Service
Step 1: Create a Service Connector to the Email Service
Step 2: Create an Email Connection
Create a Subprocess
Step 1: Create a New Process
Step 2: Configure Output
Step 3: Add the Email Connection
Add the Subprocess to the Main Process
Step 1: Add a Parallel Paths Step
Step 2: Add the Subprocess to each Parallel Path
Invoke the Modified Order Management Process
Step 1: Invoke the Process Successfully
Step 2: Invoke Process to Show a Fault
Enable Fault Handling
Step 1: Enable Fault Handling
Step 2: Configure the "No Fault" Branch
Step 3: Configure the "Fault" Branch and Invoke the Process.
Create a Managed API
Step 1: Create a Managed API
Step 2: Invoke the Managed API
Step 2: Invoke the Managed API